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2012年5月7日 (一) 05:10AbelBrodie3859 (讨论 | 贡献)的版本

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PPI claims: Banks 'be compelled improve guide'

The smirch of missold payment safeguard indemnity (PPI) and an increasing predicament in regard to Brits to oblige credit claims authority own added to the need of certitude the unspecific public has in the banking sector and ppiclaims365.

Managing director of the Financial Services Testimony told an audience at the Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland that moneylenders require to replace customers "abandon at the basic nature of what they do".

In spite of exemplar, he asked why boards of directors did not demand their administration close to why "things like PPI could be so remunerative" - generating up to 15 per cent of some firms' profits - if the companies were treating their customers fairly.

Although banks are contemporarily more financially fixed and attach, with more wisely preparation concerning the challenges of the unborn and improved endanger management, they are "not yet in that section on the administer side", Mr Wheatley argued.

"Paying recoil from missold PPI promptly obligated to be a priority concerning lenders that made billions from this greatly unsound fallout," Which? big cheese supervisor Richard Lloyd recently declared.

