
来自开放百科 - 灰狐
2006年9月25日 (一) 01:09WikiSysop (讨论 | 贡献)的版本

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Joomla vert logo.png

Joomla! is one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management Systems on the planet.

基于 Mambo 构建, 目前正在开发的版本是 1.5

Joomla! 1.5 is a three tiered system. The bottom tier is the framework level and consists of the libraries and plugins (formerly known as mambots). The second tier is the application level and consists of the JApplication class. Currently there are three applications that ship with Joomla: JInstallation, JAdministrator and JSite. The application acts as the main controller for the page. The third tier is the extension level. This level is where all component, module, and template logic is executed and rendered.

Joomla-architecture.png Joomla 架构

Joomla-workgroups.png Joomla 工作组

Joomla Packages

  • Application Package: JApplication and related libraries
  • Cache Package: Cache libraries
  • Common Package: The common package houses the base classes as well as compatability and legacy libraries
  • Connector Package: Connector libraries such as FTP and LDAP clients
  • Database Package: JDatabase and related libraries
  • Document Package: Libraries for building and rendering pages
  • Filesystem Package: Libraries for interacting with the filesystem
  • i18n Package: Internationalization libraries
  • Installer Package: Libraries for installing extensions
  • Mail Package: E-Mail related libraries
  • Model Package: Data Access Object libraries
  • Parameter Package: Parameter manipulation and rendering libraries
  • Registry Package: Configuration store libraries
  • Template Package: Templating libraries
  • Utilities Package: Miscellaneous libraries
