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Cairngorm is the lightweight micro-architecture for Rich Internet Applications built in Flex or AIR. A collaboration of recognized design patterns, Cairngorm exemplifies and encourages best-practices for RIA development advocated by Adobe Consulting, encourages best-practice leverage of the underlying Flex framework, while making it easier for medium to large teams of software engineers deliver medium to large scale, mission-critical Rich Internet Applications.
Cairngorm is the lightweight micro-architecture for Rich Internet Applications built in Flex or AIR. A collaboration of recognized design patterns, Cairngorm exemplifies and encourages best-practices for RIA development advocated by Adobe Consulting, encourages best-practice leverage of the underlying Flex framework, while making it easier for medium to large teams of software engineers deliver medium to large scale, mission-critical Rich Internet Applications.
Cairngorm是Abode推出的Flex RIA框架,其实是MVC的发扬光大,它由七大部分组成。
* Model(数据模型M):使用singleton(单例)模式共享变量;
* VO( Value Object):储存特定值对象变量。
* VIew(视图V):将Model的数据绑定互组件并广播侦听Cairngorm Event;
* Controller(控制器):侦听Cairngorm事件并将其映射到Cairngorm Command;
* Command(命令):调用Cairngorm Delegate或其它Command ,并更新Model;
* Delegate(委托):实例化RPC(远程过程调用)并将其结果返回给Command;
* Business(业务):定义RPC。

2010年9月19日 (日) 01:23的版本

Cairngorm is the lightweight micro-architecture for Rich Internet Applications built in Flex or AIR. A collaboration of recognized design patterns, Cairngorm exemplifies and encourages best-practices for RIA development advocated by Adobe Consulting, encourages best-practice leverage of the underlying Flex framework, while making it easier for medium to large teams of software engineers deliver medium to large scale, mission-critical Rich Internet Applications.

Cairngorm是Abode推出的Flex RIA框架,其实是MVC的发扬光大,它由七大部分组成。

  • Model(数据模型M):使用singleton(单例)模式共享变量;
  • VO( Value Object):储存特定值对象变量。
  • VIew(视图V):将Model的数据绑定互组件并广播侦听Cairngorm Event;
  • Controller(控制器):侦听Cairngorm事件并将其映射到Cairngorm Command;
  • Command(命令):调用Cairngorm Delegate或其它Command ,并更新Model;
  • Delegate(委托):实例化RPC(远程过程调用)并将其结果返回给Command;
  • Business(业务):定义RPC。


