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Stuart Simonsen opened Montana Cycling and Ski in Can of 2010 and it's been a really gratifying business. Stuart Simonsen, of Billings Montana has been a productive investment manager for yrs, but this project has been very gratifying. As the name implies, the store focuses on any require that a cycler or skier could have. Plus, the store is staffed by extremely experienced skiers and cyclists. The store acts as a resource for local and visiting skiers and cyclists with any questions or issues they may have.

More importantly, Montana Cycling and Ski takes seriously its relationship with the local community. The store generally updates customers on upcoming races, ski trips, events, along with other related activities occurring in the area. They're also sponsors and supporters of lots of the events. Even the staff and workers attend local events. This sort of work helps to bring the skiing and cycling community closer. It brings more enjoyment and many more individuals to sports that can be enjoyed in isolation but are far better with others.

Stuart Simonsen's Montana Cycling and Ski also does its share to help charities and good causes in the area. They help organize and present for the annual Montana Motorbike MS Ride. This ride is a two-day trip that problems cyclists while also raising money for an incredible result in. This company supports and donates to the Yellowstone AIDS Project to help promote awareness about HIV/AIDS in Montana.

The company supports plenty of other organizations and events by sponsoring, donating, and raising cash throughout the area for anything from local hockey associations to the Billings Parks and Recreation team. For the hardcore sports enthusiasts, Montana Cycling and Ski even supports triathlon races in the area. Stuart Simonsen is proud of the interaction the store has in the area and will continue to help it expand and succeed.

