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Finally a hat that prevents the hat hair situation many of us find hard to overcome as well as a style that looks fabulous and keeps your head cozy!

A solution to our hair needs:

Fit to Flick gives ladies with long hair an option to accommodate for their ponytails while keeping their profile stylish.

The Fit to Flick hat has a slit at the back allowing for the ponytail (at a variety of heights) to be pulled through. And for when you feel like letting your hair down the slit discreetly closes up.

Each hat is hand-knitted and comes in a variety of color options, a favorite style from the fall/winter collection is the Brianne Ponytail Hat $35 which comes in navy and cream.

This is definitely a hat that will take over from all others in 2012!

About Fit to Flick

Fit to Flick came into founder Hannah Bomze's mind after traveling around Europe during winter. She began to get tired of trying to make her hair look fresh in photographs after taking off her restricting beanie. The hat didn't quite cover her ears due to her ponytail, her silhouette looked alien-like, and her hair was beginning to look messy. What started as a project has now become a growing company for those who hate "hat hair" and want to look stylish in their photographic memories!

Which style will you be wearing?

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