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2017年7月14日 (五) 21:31的最后版本


Zenoss: Open Source Enterprise Monitoring Powered by Python

License : GNU General Public License (GPL) Programming Language : Python, Zope




[编辑] 新闻

Wikipedia-35x35.png 您可以在Wikipedia上了解到此条目的英文信息 Zenoss Thanks, Wikipedia.


[编辑] Architecture Highlights

Zenoss arch big.jpg
  • Integrated Package - complete monitoring solution in an integrated software package with consistent design and code base
  • Unified Data Model - detailed, object-based data representation of IT environment including relationships between components and layers
  • Class-based Configuration - manage configuration settings at the class (i.e. template), sub-class or instance-level with support for inheritance
  • Hierarchical Navigation - file system metaphor for navigation of IT model and configuration
  • Logical and Physical Groupings - group resources into arbitrarily complex groupings based on location, responsibility, business systems, etc., manage settings and views reports at group, sub-group or node level
  • Agnostic Collection - support for various collection protocols, works with existing agents or agentless
  • Scalable Collection - asynchronous, multi-threaded, distributable collection services
  • Tiered Customization - substantial functionality "out of the box", various levels of customization depending on needs and expertise including GUI configuration, skins, plug-ins, interfaces and core programming.
  • Extensive Automation - automation of routine tasks, especially maintenance of an up-to-date model of your IT environment
  • Modern Web App Architecture - leverage of Zope to provide a productive, secure and mature web application and object publishing framework
  • Python Programming Language - makes it easy to read, grok and extend; makes it fun to program!

[编辑] Products

The modeling system uses SNMP, SSH, and WMI to collect information from remote machines.

Agent R1 met some compadres

[编辑] 安装

[编辑] Zenoss 5

Install Zenoss 5 Core/Resource Manager 5

[编辑] Zenoss 2

Zenoss Console

使用 http://download.huihoo.com/zenoss/zenoss-stack-2.2.3-linux.bin 进行快速部署

http://localhost:8080/ // 从没有过的方便 :)
http://localhost:8080/zport/dmd/Devices/manage // 

[编辑] VMWare

http://sourceforge.net/projects/zenoss/ 获得 vmware文件, 如 zenoss-2.5.2-x86.vmware.zip

设置连接: NAT

启动系统, 会提示出类似以下地址的访问方式: 
重置 admin 密码和创建新用户 // appliance agent

[编辑] Debian

Installing Zenoss on Debian

[编辑] EL5



Enterprise linux 5 (CentOS, RedHat)

# yum -y install mysql mysql-server net-snmp net-snmp-utils
# rpm -ivh zenoss-2.0.0-0.el5.i386.rpm
# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
# /etc/init.d/zenoss start
# service iptables stop
# chkconfig iptables off 


Daemon: zopectl /opt/zenoss/bin/zenoss: line 98: /opt/zenoss/bin/zopectl: No such file or directory
Daemon: zeoctl /opt/zenoss/bin/zenoss: line 98: /opt/zenoss/bin/zeoctl: No such file or directory 

问题原因: zopectl and zeoctl are created as part of the Zenoss "initialization"process that runs the first time you start up Zenoss. If you build from source this should be done for you automatically as part of the install.sh process. If you installed via RPM you should make sure you run "/etc/init.d/zenoss start" as root. It'll say something to the effect of "Performing first-time initialization..."



事先建立好数据库 events

create database events;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON events.* TO zenoss@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'zenoss';


yum install swig
useradd zenoss
vi /home/zenoss/.bashrc
export ZENHOME=/usr/local/zenoss
export PYTHONPATH=$ZENHOME/lib/python
export PATH=$ZENHOME/bin:$PATH
mkdir /usr/local/zenoss
chown zenoss /usr/local/zenoss
su zenoss
cd /home/zenoss
svn co http://dev.zenoss.org/svn/trunk/inst zenossinst 

可能出现的错误: installing: multipartpost failed to install event tables into MySQL

chown root:zenoss $ZENHOME/bin/zensocket
chmod 04750 $ZENHOME/bin/zensocket

$ZENHOME/bin/zenoss start

或下载类似 zenoss-2.1.70-0.tar.gz 的源码包进行编译、安装

[编辑] Device

zendevicedump -o mydevicelist.xml
zendeviceload -i mydevicelist.xml

[编辑] Envent

Event Life Cycle
zensendevent -c /App/Fail -p sky -s Critical Onos\! very bad message\!

这时在http://localhost:8080/zport/dmd/Events/viewEvents 能看到这个测试的Event

[编辑] ZenPack

As of Zenoss 2.2 the ZenPack framework has switched to using Python Eggs as the packaging mechanism for ZenPacks.


A ZenPack is a package that adds new functionality to Zenoss.

structure of a ZenPack



通过 Management > Settings > Install ZenPack 安装这个 Pack


ZenPack Directory

[编辑] Nagios

Running ZenCommands

Zenoss has the ability to run Nagios plug-ins though the process ZenCommand.

[编辑] Twisted

[编辑] Zope

[编辑] RRDtool

Zenoss includes RRDtool as part of a powerful management suite so that you can relate event data from all your monitoring events through a single web interface.

[编辑] Net-SNMP

[编辑] PostgreSQL

[编辑] OpenStack

[编辑] 优势


Zenoss 为OpenStack和CloudStack提供了监控套件ZenPacks,它可以集成到Puppet之类的解决方案中,从而实现自动故障停机以及按需扩容减容。


[编辑] 文档

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