(未显示2个用户的11个中间版本) |
第1行: |
第1行: |
− | [http://www.zousun.com.cn 显微镜]
| + | 灰狐文档服务 |
− | [http://www.dinmo.cn/post/显微镜.html 显微镜]]显微镜[/url]
| + | |
− | [http://yiwei.dinmo.cn/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | ==简介== |
− | [http://shanghai.dinmo.cn/u/1763/2007428105336.html 显微镜] | + | [[Image:docin.gif]] 的发展思路值得我们借鉴, 豆丁提供了一个文档分享和交易的开放平台, 是一个C2C文档销售与分享社区. |
− | [http://guangzhou.dinmo.cn/u/1657/2007428105336.html 显微镜] | + | http://www.docin.com/ |
− | [http://wenzhou.dinmo.cn/u/1193/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://zongshi.dinmo.cn/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | ==指南== |
− | [http://www.1foo.cn/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | *http://docs.huihoo.com 为开源项目提供在线文档服务, |
− | [http://www.xiangyujipiao.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | *http://ldp.huihoo.org // 镜像 tldp.org http://ldp.huihoo.org/pub/Linux/docs/ 压缩包 |
− | [http://huafang.dinmo.cn/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | *http://gnu.huihoo.org // 镜像 gnu.org document |
− | [http://wangwei.dinmo.cn/u/897/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | *http://unix-archive.huihoo.org |
− | [http://junfang.dinmo.cn/u/746/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | *http://unix-tree.huihoo.org |
− | [http://qinchuan.dinmo.cn/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | *参考 http://www.delorie.com/ |
− | [http://fangning.dinmo.cn/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | *参考 http://sunsite.ualberta.ca/Documentation/Gnu/gnu-docs.html |
− | [http://xiaobin.dinmo.cn/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | *镜像 tldp.org |
− | [http://www.google.dinmo.cn/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | rsync -rlptv --delete ftp.ibiblio.org::ldp_mirror /your_path_to/LDP |
− | [http://blog.cntca.com/blog/u/1013/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.pkueos.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | As of 2012-07-11, if you are a mirror site of the LDP, you will need a minimum of 4GB of storage space. |
− | [http://www.cgmgc.com/blog/u/386/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | *镜像 gnu.org |
− | [http://www.i4u.com.cn/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | Mirroring the GNU Web Server |
− | [http://www.34law.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.htm 显微镜]
| + | <VirtualHost>: |
− | [http://www.wceinfo.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.xlian.cn/blog/u/722/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | ServerName gnumirror.example.org |
− | [http://www.dosky.cn/blog/u/345/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | CacheRoot "/var/cache/mod_proxy" |
− | [http://www.curoo.com/blog/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | CacheDefaultExpire 86400 # for Apache 2.0+, value is in seconds |
− | [http://www.cangbaotu.com/blog/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | ProxyPass / http://www.gnu.org/ |
− | [http://www.sec168.com/blog/blogsec/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | CacheEnable disk / |
− | [http://blog.cnhubei.com/user2/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://lucky123456c.hblog.net/archives/2007/2007428105336.shtml 显微镜]
| + | Mirroring the GNU FTP server requires approximately 40GB disk space (as of 04 January 2007), which is distributed by the following way: |
− | [http://www.laren.cn/blog/2007/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | /gnu: 12G |
− | [http://www.hzvhost.com/blog/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | /non-gnu: 300M |
− | [http://blog.sg87.cn/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | /old-gnu: 700M |
− | [http://www.ictee.net/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | /gnu+linux-distros: 27G |
− | [http://www.hksycxx.com/MYblog/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://blog.taoyo.cn/pmem/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | rsync://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/gnu/ftp/ |
− | [http://www.128com.cn/blog/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/gnu/ftp/ |
− | [http://bk.ygxxg.com/1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.htm 显微镜]
| + | and |
− | [http://www.zsmhf.com/blog/u/482/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | rsync://ftp.funet.fi/ftp/pub/mirrors/ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/ |
− | [http://www.yocsefsz.org.cn/blog/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | ftp://ftp.funet.fi/ftp/pub/mirrors/ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/ |
− | [http://www.sxsz.net.cn/blog/sxsz/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://blog.arsenal.com.cn/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | ==项目== |
− | [http://www.chinajzw.cn/blog/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | [[文件:Read-the-Docs-logo.png|right|Read the Docs]] |
− | [http://www.changdets.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | *[https://github.com/readthedocs Read the Docs] |
− | [http://www.sjsknet.com/bbs/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.hzzs.net/oblog/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | ==链接== |
− | [http://www.chceo.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | [[文件:opencontent.gif|right]] |
− | [http://www.lxez.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | *[http://www.opencontent.org/ OpenContent] |
− | [http://www.w328.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | *http://www.gnu.org/server/mirror.html |
− | [http://www.qinqinbaby.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://2332.cn/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | [[category:huihoo]] |
− | [http://edu.jsw.com.cn/blog/user1/16160/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | [[category:document]] |
− | [http://www.powergis.net/blog/u/269/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.zcsd.cn/blog/url/197/archives/2007/2007428105336.htm 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.nn-info.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.ladytoo.com/blog/myweb/7725/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.chinawife.com.cn/blog/u/533/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://club.yc.nx.cn/blog/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.chinaedunet.org/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.fdwx.net/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.bjp98.com/Blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.cqybzx.com.cn/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://xy.jxgdw.com/blog/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.51garlic.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.zhukuai.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.9com.cn/blog/u/1427/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.zhixiaowang.com/blog/u/1000/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜] | + | |
− | [http://lucky123456c.cqnews.net/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜] | + | |
− | [http://www.cb365info.com/blog/u/110/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://blog.tlabc.net/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜] | + | |
− | [http://www.bjwzfh.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.3azs.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.qx001.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.renma.net/blog/u/86/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜] | + | |
− | [http://www.taiwanonline.cn/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜] | + | |
− | [http://zqnews.zqdns.net/blog/u/163/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.chncec.com/shequ/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜] | + | |
− | [http://www.cqnczx.com/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.yzfox.com/blog/u/201/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.pcbsky.com/blog/u/8254/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://gaoj.cn/blog/user1/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.xbee.com.cn/blog/user/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.ciqi.org/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.fisky.cn/blog/u/lucky123456/archives/2007/2007428105336.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.hikersblog.com/blog/user1/6265/archives/2007/19147.shtml 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://baidu02c.ygblog.com/archives/2007/196401.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://blog.cbbn.net/user3/baidu02/archives/2007/93593.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://blog.lmtw.com/b/2502/archives/2007/46323.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.ceocio.com.cn/blog/user1/4519/archives/2007/7327.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://www.shanke.cn/a/18351/archives/2007/17133.shtml 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://blog.2500sz.com/u/baidu02/archives/2007/6523.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://blog.whbc.com.cn/u/baidu02/archives/2007/58.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://blog.thldl.org.cn/user1/29716/archives/2007/41701.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://blog.elanw.com/user1/baidu02/archives/2007/16333.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://blog.ahtv.cn/u/baidu02/archives/2007/17892.html 显微镜] | + | |
− | [http://blog.sanfo.com/user/baidu02/archives/2007/7202.shtml 显微镜] | + | |
− | [http://blog.wledu.org/user1/baidu02/archives/2007/13020.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://blog.315ts.net/user1/308/archives/2007/872.html 显微镜] | + | |
− | [http://blog.yzwb.net/user1/baidu02/archives/2007/8649.html 显微镜] | + | |
− | [http://blog.365tiyan.com/u/baidu02/archives/2007/115.html 显微镜]
| + | |
− | [http://zongshi.dinmo.cn/u/baidu02/archives/2007/1056.html 显微镜]
| + | |
As of 2012-07-11, if you are a mirror site of the LDP, you will need a minimum of 4GB of storage space.
Mirroring the GNU FTP server requires approximately 40GB disk space (as of 04 January 2007), which is distributed by the following way: