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第12行: 第12行:
[[F Sharp|F#]],Microsoft [[.NET]]平台上 OCaml 风格的编程语言。
[[F Sharp|F#]],Microsoft [[.NET]]平台上 OCaml 风格的编程语言。
[[ML]] 家族的两个主要的方言是 Standard ML 和 OCaml。
*[https://protz.github.io/ocaml-installer/ OCaml on Windows]
*垃圾回收(garbage collection)
*首类函数(first-class functions)可以像常规的值一样传递
*静态类型检查(static type-checking)
*参数化多态(parametric polymorphism)允许构造抽象涵盖不同数据类型,类似 [[C Sharp|C#]] 泛型和 [[C++]] 模板特性
*支持不可变编程(immutable programming)
*自动类型推断(automaticc type inference)
*通过[https://v2.ocaml.org/manual/gadts-tutorial.html 通用代数数学类型(Generalized algebraic datatypes)GADTs] 和模式匹配(pattern matching)定义和管理复杂数据结构
[https://ocamlverse.github.io/ OCamlverse] Documenting everything about OCaml
[https://protz.github.io/ocaml-installer/ OCaml on Windows]
完成第一个OCaml程序,Hello World!,创建test.ml文件,包含:  
完成第一个OCaml程序,Hello World!,创建test.ml文件,包含:  
  let _=print_endline "hello world!"  
  let _=print_endline "hello world!"  
第23行: 第37行:
$ ocmal 或 $ utop
  $ ocmal 或 $ utop // eval $(opam config env)
   utop # let () = print_endline "Hello OCaml World!";;
   utop # let () = print_endline "Hello OCaml World!";;
   Hello OCaml World!   
   Hello OCaml World!   
第51行: 第65行:
[https://github.com/rizo/awesome-ocaml Awesome OCaml] [[image:awesome.png]]
[https://github.com/rizo/awesome-ocaml Awesome OCaml] [[image:awesome.png]]
*[https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml OCaml @ GitHub]
*[https://ocamlverse.github.io/content/ecosystem.html OCaml ecosystem] [https://ocamlverse.github.io/content/compilers.html Compilers, Typecheckers, and Parsers] [https://ocamlverse.github.io/content/security.html Security and Cryptography] [https://ocamlverse.github.io/content/static_analysis.html Static Analysis] [https://ocamlverse.github.io/content/testing.html Testing] [https://ocamlverse.github.io/content/software_verification.html Formal Software Verification] [https://ocamlverse.github.io/content/protocols.html Protocols]
*[https://forge.ocamlcore.org/ OCaml Forge] Deprecating the Forge in 2017
*[https://github.com/OCamlPro OCamlPro]
*[https://github.com/OCamlPro OCamlPro]
*[https://github.com/ocamllabs/ OCaml Labs]
*[https://github.com/ocamllabs/ OCaml Labs]
*[https://github.com/janestreet Jane Street @ GitHub]
*[[F*]] A Proof-oriented Programming Language
*[https://github.com/jrh13/hol-light/ The HOL Light theorem prover]
*[https://dune.build/ Dune] is a build system for OCaml projects with support for [[Reason]] and [[Coq]]
*[https://github.com/ocsigen Ocsigen] Multi-tier programming for Web and mobile apps
*[https://github.com/BinaryAnalysisPlatform/bap Binary Analysis Platform]
*[https://github.com/BinaryAnalysisPlatform/bap Binary Analysis Platform]
*[https://coq.inria.fr/ Coq]
*[[Coq]] [https://github.com/mit-plv Programming Languages and Verification Group at MIT CSAIL]
*[https://github.com/savonet/liquidsoap Liquidsoap] Audio & Video Streaming Language
*[https://github.com/savonet/liquidsoap Liquidsoap] Audio & Video Streaming Language
*[https://github.com/owlbarn Owl] - OCaml Scientific Computing
*[https://github.com/mirage MirageOS] 一个用于构建安全、高性能网络应用的库(library)操作系统
*[https://github.com/mirage MirageOS] 一个用于构建安全、高性能网络应用的库(library)操作系统
*[https://github.com/reasonml/reason Reason] 是一门基于 OCaml 强大类型系统的编程语言,并拥有让 [[JavaScript]] 和 C 语言家族开发者所熟悉的语法。
*[https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript-compiler ReScript Compiler]
*[[Reason]] 是一门基于 OCaml 强大类型系统的编程语言,并拥有让 [[JavaScript]] 和 C 语言家族开发者所熟悉的语法。
*[https://github.com/esy/esy esy] Easy package management for native Reason, OCaml and more
*[https://aeternity.com/#sophia aeternity Sophia] is a Ocaml-like language with syntax mostly resembling that of Reason.
*[https://github.com/mirage/irmin Irmin]数据库
*[https://github.com/mirage/irmin Irmin]数据库
*[https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp ocaml-cohttp] 非常轻量的HTTP server
*[https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp ocaml-cohttp] 非常轻量的HTTP server
第64行: 第89行:
*[https://github.com/docker/datakit datakit] from [[Docker]] team.
*[https://github.com/docker/datakit datakit] from [[Docker]] team.
*[https://github.com/docker/vpnkit vpnkit] from [[Docker]] team.
*[https://github.com/docker/vpnkit vpnkit] from [[Docker]] team.
*[https://github.com/janestreet/core Jane Street Capital's standard library overlay]
*[https://github.com/realworldocaml/ Real World OCaml]
*[https://github.com/realworldocaml/ Real World OCaml]
*[https://github.com/ocsigen ocsigen]
*[https://github.com/ocsigen ocsigen]
第70行: 第94行:
*[https://github.com/moby/datakit DataKit] -- Orchestrate applications using a Git-like dataflow
*[https://github.com/moby/datakit DataKit] -- Orchestrate applications using a Git-like dataflow
*[https://github.com/bcpierce00/unison Unison File Synchronizer]
*[https://github.com/bcpierce00/unison Unison File Synchronizer]
*[https://blog.janestreet.com/deep-learning-experiments-in-ocaml/ Deep learning experiments in OCaml] [https://github.com/LaurentMazare/tensorflow-ocaml TensorFlow OCaml bindings]
*[https://github.com/input-output-hk/qeditas-ledgertheory Ledger Theory] Coq开发的轻量级加密账本理论
Jane Street 开源的 Ocaml 项目
*[https://github.com/janestreet Jane Street @ GitHub]
*[https://github.com/janestreet/core Jane Street Capital's standard library overlay]
*[https://github.com/janestreet/hardcaml Hardcaml] is an OCaml library for designing hardware.
*[https://github.com/janestreet/incr_dom Incr_dom]: a library for writing dynamic web-apps [https://blog.janestreet.com/a-tutorial-for-building-web-applications-with-incrdom/ A tutorial for building web applications with Incr_dom]
Facebook 开源的 OCaml 项目
*[https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/tree/master/hphp/hack Hack] is a programming language for [[HHVM]]
*[https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/tree/master/hphp/hack Hack] is a programming language for [[HHVM]]
*[https://github.com/facebook/flow flow] Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.  
*[https://github.com/facebook/flow flow] Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.  
第76行: 第107行:
*[https://github.com/facebook/infer Infer] is a static analysis tool for Java, Objective-C and C, written in OCaml.
*[https://github.com/facebook/infer Infer] is a static analysis tool for Java, Objective-C and C, written in OCaml.
*[https://github.com/facebook/pfff pfff] Tools for code analysis, visualizations, or style-preserving source transformation.
*[https://github.com/facebook/pfff pfff] Tools for code analysis, visualizations, or style-preserving source transformation.
*[https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs3110/2014sp/lecture_notes.php CS 3110 Spring 2014 :: Data Structures and Functional Programming]
*[https://ocaml.xyz/tutorial/ Owl Online Tutorials] FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING MEETS DATA SCIENCE
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/cufp/2004-2008/2008/slides/MadhavapeddyAnil.pdf Xen and the art of OCaml]
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/cufp/2004-2008/2008/slides/MadhavapeddyAnil.pdf Xen and the art of OCaml]
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/cufp/2004-2008/2007/slides/XavierLeroy.pdf Some uses of Caml in industry]
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/cufp/2004-2008/2007/slides/XavierLeroy.pdf Some uses of Caml in industry]
第89行: 第118行:
*[https://www.amazon.cn/gp/product/B013W98L4C Real World OCaml] [https://realworldocaml.org/ 在线阅读]
*[https://www.amazon.cn/gp/product/B013W98L4C Real World OCaml] [https://realworldocaml.org/ 在线阅读]
*[http://book.huihoo.com/developing-applications-with-objective-caml/ Developing applications with Objective Caml]
*[http://book.huihoo.com/developing-applications-with-objective-caml/ Developing applications with Objective Caml]
*[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/3030976440 OCaml Scientific Computing]
*[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0957671113 More OCaml: Algorithms, Methods & Diversions]
*[https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/blob/trunk/HACKING.adoc Hacking the compiler]
*[https://github.com/ocamllabs/compiler-hacking/wiki/Compiler-or-Language-projects-to-work-on Compiler or Language projects to work on]
*[https://www.zhihu.com/people/hongbo_zhang 张宏波] 前[https://github.com/ocaml OCaml编译器]核心作者, [https://github.com/bloomberg/bucklescript BuckleScript] 作者。
*[https://www.zhihu.com/people/hongbo_zhang 张宏波] 前[https://github.com/ocaml OCaml编译器]核心作者, [https://github.com/bloomberg/bucklescript BuckleScript] 作者。
*[https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs3110/2014sp/lecture_notes.php CS 3110 Spring 2014 :: Data Structures and Functional Programming]
第104行: 第140行:
image:lexifi-ide.png|LexiFi IDE
image:lexifi-ide.png|LexiFi IDE
*[https://ocaml.org/ OCaml官网]
*[https://ocaml.org/ OCaml官网]
*[https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml OCaml @ GitHub]
*[https://ocaml.org/community/planet/ OCaml Planet]
*[https://ocaml.org/community/planet/ OCaml Planet]
*[https://blog.janestreet.com/using-ocaml-to-drive-a-raspberry-pi-robot-car/ Using OCaml to drive a Raspberry Pi robot car]
*[https://ocaml.org/learn/tutorials/index.zh.html OCaml中文教程]
*[https://ocaml.org/learn/tutorials/index.zh.html OCaml中文教程]
*[https://caml.inria.fr/ The Caml language]
*[https://caml.inria.fr/ The Caml language]
第121行: 第160行:
[[category:Huihoo Foundation]]

2022年10月19日 (三) 02:33的最后版本

Wikipedia-35x35.png 您可以在Wikipedia上了解到此条目的英文信息 OCaml Thanks, Wikipedia.




[编辑] 简介

OCaml,最早称为 Objective Caml,是 Caml 编程语言的主要实现,由 Xavier Leroy,Jérôme Vouillon,Damien Doligez,Didier Rémy 及其他人于1996年创立,OCaml 是开放源代码项目(LGPLv2.1)。

OCaml 一般用于编译器、程序分析、金融交易、虚拟机等方面。它是 Jane Street 的核心语言,重点是用它写实时交易系统会很赚钱。

F#,Microsoft .NET平台上 OCaml 风格的编程语言。

ML 家族的两个主要的方言是 Standard ML 和 OCaml。

[编辑] 功能


  • 垃圾回收(garbage collection)
  • 首类函数(first-class functions)可以像常规的值一样传递
  • 静态类型检查(static type-checking)
  • 参数化多态(parametric polymorphism)允许构造抽象涵盖不同数据类型,类似 C# 泛型和 C++ 模板特性
  • 支持不可变编程(immutable programming)
  • 自动类型推断(automaticc type inference)
  • 通过通用代数数学类型(Generalized algebraic datatypes)GADTs 和模式匹配(pattern matching)定义和管理复杂数据结构

[编辑] 指南

OCamlverse Documenting everything about OCaml

Windows OCaml on Windows

完成第一个OCaml程序,Hello World!,创建test.ml文件,包含:

let _=print_endline "hello world!" 

编译 test.ml

ocamlc test.ml -o test  // Byte-code编译
或 ocamlopt test.ml -o test // Native-code编译


 $ ocmal 或 $ utop // eval $(opam config env)
 utop # let () = print_endline "Hello OCaml World!";;
 Hello OCaml World!  


 utop # (1, "str1", 2.);; // 元组tuple
- : int * string * float = (1, "str1", 2.)     
 utop # [1; 2; 3];; // 列表list
- : int list = [1; 2; 3]  
 utop # [|1; 2; 3|];; 数组array
- : int array = [|1; 2; 3|]   
 utop # type vec2 = { x : float; y : float };; //记录record
type vec2 = { x : float; y : float; }

[编辑] 常见问题

Error: Unbound module Core

vim ~/.ocamlinit 加入以下内容,并重新运行utop

#use "topfind"
#require "core.top"
#require "core.syntax"

-bash: ocamlfind: command not found

eval $(opam config env)

[编辑] 项目

Awesome OCaml Awesome.png


Jane Street 开源的 Ocaml 项目

Facebook 开源的 OCaml 项目

  • Hack is a programming language for HHVM
  • flow Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.
  • Reason: Build Systems Rapidly
  • Infer is a static analysis tool for Java, Objective-C and C, written in OCaml.
  • pfff Tools for code analysis, visualizations, or style-preserving source transformation.

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