Apache ServiceMix

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ServiceMix uses [[Apache ActiveMQ|ActiveMQ]] to provide remoting, clustering, reliability and distributed failover.
ServiceMix uses [[Apache ActiveMQ|ActiveMQ]] to provide remoting, clustering, reliability and distributed failover.
The servicemix-camel component provides support for using [[Apache Camel]] to provide a full set of Enterprise Integration Patterns and flexible routing and transformation in both Java code or Spring XML to route services on the Normalized Message Router.
==Components list==
==Components list==
ServiceMix currently has the following JBI components:
ServiceMix currently has the following JBI components:

2009年9月15日 (二) 02:12的版本


ServiceMix是一个开源的 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) 和 SOA 工具集, 支持 SUN JSP 208规范: Java Business Integration(JBI), 采用 Apache 许可协议.

ServicesMix 总线结构


ServiceMix uses ActiveMQ to provide remoting, clustering, reliability and distributed failover.

The servicemix-camel component provides support for using Apache Camel to provide a full set of Enterprise Integration Patterns and flexible routing and transformation in both Java code or Spring XML to route services on the Normalized Message Router.


Components list

ServiceMix currently has the following JBI components:

  • servicemix-bean
  • servicemix-camel
  • servicemix-cxf-bc
  • servicemix-cxf-se
  • servicemix-drools
  • servicemix-eip
  • servicemix-file
  • servicemix-ftp
  • servicemix-http
  • servicemix-jms
  • servicemix-jsr181
  • servicemix-lwcontainer
  • servicemix-mail
  • servicemix-osworkflow
  • servicemix-quartz
  • servicemix-saxon
  • servicemix-script
  • servicemix-scripting
  • servicemix-smpp
  • servicemix-snmp
  • servicemix-validation
  • servicemix-vfs
  • servicemix-wsn2005
  • servicemix-xmpp

ServiceMix 4

ServiceMix 4

ServiceMix 4 Runtime 基于 OSGi 构建, 将使用 Apache Felix can download OSGi bundles dynamically from Maven repos

More detail: http://servicemix.apache.org/SMX4/

ServiceMix 3

ServicesMix 系统架构

ServiceMix 2



获得 http://download.huihoo.com/apache/servicemix/
如: tar zxvf servicemix-2.0.2.tar.gz 

cd servicemix-2.0./bin

启动 servicemix

huihoo@debian:~/java/soa/servicemix-2.0.2/bin$ ./servicemix

ServiceMix ESB: 2.0.2
Loading ServiceMix from servicemix.xml on the CLASSPATH
04:04:29,647 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Opening journal.
04:04:29,727 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Opened journal: Active Journal: using 2 x 20.0 Megs at: ../var/ journal
04:04:29,727 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Journal Recovery Started.
04:04:29,803 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Journal Recovered: 0 message(s) in transactions recovered. 


huihoo@debian:~/java/soa/servicemix-2.0.2/examples/basic$ /home/huihoo/java/soa/servicemix-2.0.2/bin/servicemix servicemix.xml

ServiceMix ESB: 2.0.2

Loading ServiceMix from file: servicemix.xml
13:24:50,580 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Opening journal.
13:24:50,897 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Opened journal: Active Journal: using 2 x 20.0 Megs at: ../var/journal
13:24:50,897 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Journal Recovery Started.
13:24:50,984 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Journal Recovered: 0 message(s) in transactions recovered.
13:24:51,228 INFO [JCAContainer] Jencks JCA Container (http://jencks.org/) has started running version: 1.1.1
13:24:51,993 INFO [JCAConnector] Activating endpoint for activationSpec: ActiveMQActivationSpec{acknowledgeMode='Auto-acknowledge',
 destinationType='javax.jms.Topic', messageSelector='null', destination='demo.org.servicemix.source', clientId='null',  
subscriptionName='null', subscriptionDurability='NonDurable'} using endpointFactory: 

org.jencks.SingletonEndpointFactory@6798eb[transactionManager= org.apache.geronimo.transaction.context.GeronimoTransactionManager@168989e]

13:24:52,195 INFO [JCAConnector] Activating endpoint for activationSpec: ActiveMQActivationSpec{acknowledgeMode='Auto-acknowledge', 
destinationType='javax.jms.Topic', messageSelector='null', destination='demo.org.servicemix.result', clientId='null',   
subscriptionName='null', subscriptionDurability='NonDurable'} using endpointFactory: 

org.jencks.SingletonEndpointFactory@76f2e8[transactionManager= org.apache.geronimo.transaction.context.GeronimoTransactionManager@168989e] 13:24:52,606 DEBUG [XAEndpoint] Transaction started and resource enlisted 13:24:52,697 DEBUG [XAEndpoint] Transaction committed ....... 测试报告

huihoo@debian:~/java/soa/servicemix-2.0.2/examples/basic/target/test-reports$ ls
more activemq-test.log
2006-04-22 13:24:52,606 [Thread-14 ] DEBUG XAEndpoint - Transaction started and resource enlisted
2006-04-22 13:24:52,697 [Thread-14 ] DEBUG XAEndpoint - Transaction committed
2006-04-22 13:24:52,791 [Thread-19 ] DEBUG XAEndpoint - Transaction started and resource enlisted
2006-04-22 13:24:52,847 [Thread-19 ] DEBUG XAEndpoint - Transaction committed


