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来自开放百科 - 灰狐
JOSSO(Java Open Single Sign-On)是一个开源的J2EE-based的SSO(SSO:单一登录技术是一种认证和授权机制,它允许注册用户只需要在任一成员网站上登录一次,而后授权访问其他连接的分支网站,无需再进行验证登录)基础结构.它的目的是提供一种用来解决在统一平台上进行用户集中认证的方案.
目录 |
- J2EE Transparent Single Sign-On cross domain/cross organization.
- Pluggable Framework to allow the implementation of multiple authentication schemes and stores using Spring or built-in IoC container.
- Runs in Apache Tomcat.
- Runs in JBoss application server.
- Runs in Apache Geronimo application server
- Integrates with Spring Acegi.
- Provides Identity information to Web applications and EJBs through the standard Servlet and EJB Security API respectively.
- Supports Strong Authentication using X.509 client certificates.
- LDAP support for storing user information and credentials.
- Database support for storing user information and credentials.
- Client API for PHP. This allows to build SSO-enabled PHP applications.
- Client API for Microsoft ASP. This allows to build SSO-enabled ASP applications.
- Compatibility with Apache Pluto Portlet Container
- Standard Based: JAAS, Web Services/SOAP, EJB, Struts, Servlet/JSP,J2EE.
- 100% Java
创建数据库,创建以下表, 执行 JOSSO DDL SQL 语句
JOSSO_USER : contains all the users that will be able to sign-on. JOSSO_ROLE : contains all the roles to which users can be associated. JOSSO_USER_ROLE : contains the roles associated with each user. JOSSO_USER_PROPERTY : contains additional properties of the user, like personal data, etc. 获得 http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/josso/apache-tomcat-5.5.16_josso-1.4.tar.gz tar zxvf apache-tomcat-5.5.16_josso-1.4.tar.gz ./startup.sh http://localhost:8080/josso/signon/usernamePasswordLogin.jsp http://localhost:8080/partnerapp/protected user1/user1pwd
- GlassFish don't supported josso now.
- Apache Geronimo
- JBoss
- Tomcat
- http://www.josso.org/
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/josso/
- http://download.huihoo.com/josso/
- http://docs.huihoo.com/josso/