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Raspberry Pi
来自开放百科 - 灰狐
您可以在Wikipedia上了解到此条目的英文信息 Raspberry Pi Thanks, Wikipedia. |
Raspberry Pi 树莓派
目录 |
全新升级版Raspberry Pi 2代B型,四核SoC,1GB内存,性能至少是B+的6倍。
- Raspberry Pi + Alexa Voice Service
- Pi4J Java I/O Library for Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi at Southampton
- heimcontrol.js Home-Automation with node.js and Raspberry PI
- WiringPi GPIO Interface library for the Raspberry Pi
XBMC把Raspberry Pi打造成一个完全可定制的家庭娱乐中心。
- Shoot-A-Pi with Eclipse Kura
- From Things to the Internet: Teaching Kids to Code Java on the Raspberry Pi
- Let's Get Physical: I/O Programming with Java on the Raspberry Pi with Pi4J
- Raspberry Pi官网
- Raspberry Pi @ GitHub
- Raspberry Pi Learning Resources
- DesignSpark
- Pi-Top: 树莓派笔记本电脑
- Raspberry Pi 2 B Cluster 12 节点树莓派 2 集群配件列表及简要安装过程
- Raspberry Pi Zero: the $5 computer 5美金的树莓派
- Raspberry PI 2 Cluster Assembly Tutorial
- 奥松 Raspberry Pi 2代B型 四核1G内存
- Create an Enclosure for a 6-Node Raspberry Pi Cluster
- Multi-Datacenter Cassandra on 32 Raspberry Pi’s
- DIY 5 Node Cluster of Raspberry Pi 3s
- 太一在50个树莓派节点集群上完成“超导网络”技术展示