欢迎大家赞助一杯啤酒🍺 我们准备了下酒菜:Formal mathematics/Isabelle/ML, Formal verification/Coq/ACL2/Agda, C++/Lisp/Haskell
来自开放百科 - 灰狐
Facebook Parse 移动开发者平台将于2017年1月28日关闭。
目录 |
git clone https://github.com/ParsePlatform/parse-server-example npm install mongo npm start
- Connecting Hardware with the Cloud: Parse for IoT
- AnyDevice An Internet of Things (IoT) sample application built on Parse
- Make a Cloud-Controlled Car using Parse for IoT Internet Car
- Using Parse for IoT to Create an Order Button AnyButton @ GitHub
- Parse Embedded C SDKsParse for IoT:Facebook的物联网SDK
- Parse Arduino SDK
- Playing with Arduino, Temboo and Parse
- Parse @ GitHub
- Parse Docs
- Parse + React
- Parse Loves Go
- Building a Killer WebRTC Video Chat App using PubNub & Parse
- ParseUI Introducing the new ParseUI for iOS
- Bolts Framework Introducing Bolts for Parse SDKs
- Anypic iOS 安装 Anypic iOS
- Anywall iOS 安装 Anywall iOS
- Anywall Android 安装 Anywall Android
- iOS Parse Store 安装 iOS Parse Store Build an e-commerce mobile app on Parse and Stripe
- AnyYolk HTML5 game 在线Play
- Anyimg Anyimg官网
- AnyMeme AnyMeme官网
- AnyBlog AnyBlog官网
- AnyPhone Phone-Based Login, Can You Dig It?
- MongoDB + RocksDB at Parse RocksDB
- Using MongoDB + RocksDB
- MongoDB + RocksDB: Writing so Fast it Makes Your Head Spin
- MongoDB + RocksDB: Benchmark Setup & Compression
- Migrate from Parse to MongoDB Cloud Manager and AWS
- Migrating Your Parse App to MongoRocks
- RocksDB Storage Engine Module for MongoDB
- Strata: Open Source Library for Efficient MongoDB Backups rocks-strata
- Fun with TokuMX Flashback @ GitHub
- Dependency Injection with Go
- Smart Indexing at Parse
- Parse Security Part I、Part II、Part III、Part IV、Part V
- Adding Third-Party Authentication to your Web App
- Auth.js
- authDataManager 支持主流社交账户
- 集成 everyauth
Parse Dashboard
Parse Analytics
- Parse Analytics: Same Great Taste, Now Just the Way You Like It
- Introducing Push Analytics: Improved Insight into Push Campaigns
- Migration Guide
- Parse Ops
- Parse Migration Guides, Discounts, and Events
- How to set up Parse Server on AWS using AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Deploying a Parse Server to Heroku