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您可以在Wikipedia上了解到此条目的英文信息 Memcached Thanks, Wikipedia. |
memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.
./configure; make; make install memcached -d -m 2048 -p 11211
可能需要 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
/usr/local/bin/memcached -m 64 -l -p 11211 -d -u root -P /var/run/memcached.pid -c 128 -vv 选项 说明
- -p 使用的TCP端口。默认为11211
- -m 最大内存大小。默认为64M
- -vv 用very vrebose模式启动,调试信息和错误输出到控制台
- -d 作为daemon在后台启动
- -c 最大运行的并发连接数,默认是1024,按照服务器的负载量来设定
- -P 设置保存Memcache的pid文件
- -l 监听的服务器IP地址,如果有多个地址的话
- -u 运行Memcache的用户,默认不能用root启动,所以当前用户为root用户时,需要用-u参数来指定
- http://twitter.com/ Twitter中间业务层件使用了Memcached
- Fotolog.com - the world's largest photo blogging community
we introduced memcache, creating a distributed 30-server cluster with 4 gigs available in total and made a very minor code mod to use memcache, and our peak period load times dropped back down to the 2 second or so range.
- http://mixi.jp
- LiveJournal - http://www.livejournal.com/
- Slashdot - http://www.slashdot.org/
- WikiPedia - http://www.wikipedia.org/
- SourceForge - http://sourceforge.net/
- Kayak.com - http://www.kayak.com/
- http://www.meetup.com/ - memcached client for java
- Memcached based second level cache for Hibernate
- http://www.danga.com/memcached/
- http://docs.huihoo.com/memcached/
- http://download.huihoo.com/memcached/