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Joomla! is one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management Systems on the planet.
从 Mambo 衍生构建, 目前正在开发的版本是 1.5
Mambo是世界上最热门的内容管理系统,因为开发这个系统而多次获奖的核心团队将它的名称改为 Joomla!(原因请参考新闻: http://twpug.net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=93 )
目前是由 ・http://www.opensourcematters.org/ Open Source Matters]这个开放源码组织进行开发与支持,这个组织的成员来自全世界各地,小组成员约有150人,包含了开发者、设计者、系统管理者、文件撰写者,以及超过2万名的参与会员.
目录 |
http://demo.huihoo.com/joomla/ admin/admin
- http://www.joomla.org/
- http://www.joomlahacks.com - Joomla Components, Modules, Templates, & Mambots resource portal.
- 下载 - http://download.huihoo.com/application/cms-portal/joomla/
- http://www.joomlart.com - Joomla/Mambo Professional Templates
- http://www.autoit.cn
- http://www.joomla.cn
- http://www.joomlar.cn
Huihoo Joomla 讨论区: http://forum.huihoo.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=190
获得 Joomla 1.0.10 http://download.huihoo.com/application/cms-portal/joomla/joomla_1.0.10-stable-multilanguage.zip
mysqladmin -u root -p create joomla 或 mysql>create database joomla; mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON joomla.* TO joomla@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'joomla'; mysql>flush privileges;
导入数据, cd joomla/installation/sql 或 通过安装程序导入数据
mysql joomla < joomla.sql -u joomla -p
Joomla 提供了方便的安装向导.
http://localhost/joomla/installation/index.php touch configuration.php 或 cp configuration.php-dist to configuration.php chmod a+w configuration.php
修改 configuration.php
$mosConfig_absolute_path = '/var/www/joomla'; // No trailing slash $mosConfig_live_site = 'http://localhost/joomla';
Joomla Extensions
Extension Types
Component: mini-application to render the main page body
Module: renders small html blocks on any page
Plugin: changes code behavior dynamically (renamed from mambot)
Language: provides language translation
Tool : external application that helps with creating or managing Joomla! site
Extension Specific Plugin - specific plugins that requires another extension to operate
- Zoom Gallery(Component) - http://mamboforge.net/projects/zoom/
- Google AdSense with Mambo(Mambot) - http://mamboxchange.com/frs/?group_id=495&release_id=4861
- Mambo-SMF(Mambot) - http://www.mambohacks.com/
- phpBB Forum(Component) - http://mamboxchange.com/projects/phpbb/
- Sugar-Mambo - http://www.sugarforge.org/projects/sugar-mambo/
- ExtCalendar(Component) - http://mamboxchange.com/projects/extcalendar/
- MamboWiki(Component) - http://www.lyquidity.com/mambowiki
- Simple Review - http://row1.info/
- Mod Flashpic(Module)
Joomla and Mailer
- Sendmail
- exim4
Joomla and SEO
- JoomlaSEO - Joomla Search Engine Optimization
Joomla 1.5
Joomla! 1.5 is a three tiered system. The bottom tier is the framework level and consists of the libraries and plugins (formerly known as mambots). The second tier is the application level and consists of the JApplication class. Currently there are three applications that ship with Joomla: JInstallation, JAdministrator and JSite. The application acts as the main controller for the page. The third tier is the extension level. This level is where all component, module, and template logic is executed and rendered.
Joomla API: http://www.huihoo.com/applications/joomla/api/
1.5 Roadmap
Joomla 1.5 Development Cycle - http://dev.joomla.org/content/view/39/63/
- Internationalization
- User Plugins
- Foundational work towards cross database support
- FTP Filesystem Layer
- Overhaul of Joomla! framework // 很关键
- Preparation for usability and accessibility extensions
- Improved caching
- Separation of logic and presentation layer // 很关键
Joomla 对象层次
Root class JObject
* JObject o JApplication + mosMainFrame o JAuthenticate o JAuthenticateResponse o JBrowser o JDatabase + JDatabaseMySQL # database + JDatabaseMySQLi o JElement + JElement_Category + JElement_Editors + JElement_FileList + JElement_Helpsites + JElement_ImageList + JElement_Languages + JElement_List + JElement_Menu + JElement_Radio + JElement_Section + JElement_Spacer + JElement_Text + JElement_Textarea o JFTP o JInstaller + JInstallerComponent + JInstallerLanguage + JInstallerModule + JInstallerPlugin + JInstallerTemplate o JLanguage o JModel + JModelARO + JModelAroGroup + JModelCategory # mosCategory + JModelComponent # mosComponent + JModelContent # mosContent + JModelMenu # mosMenu + JModelModule # mosModule + JModelPlugin # mosMambot + JModelSection # mosSection + JModelSession # mosSession + JModelUser # mosUser + mosDBTable o JObservable + JEditor + JEventDispatcher # mosMambotHandler o JObserver + JPlugin o JPagination o JPathWay o JProfiler + mosProfiler o JRegistry + JParameter # mosParameters o JRegistryFormat + JRegistryFormatINI + JRegistryFormatPHP + JRegistryFormatXML o JURI o JUser
Joomla! Logo
Joomla Packages
- Application Package: JApplication and related libraries
- Cache Package: Cache libraries
- Common Package: The common package houses the base classes as well as compatability and legacy libraries
- Connector Package: Connector libraries such as FTP and LDAP clients
- Database Package: JDatabase and related libraries
- Document Package: Libraries for building and rendering pages
- Filesystem Package: Libraries for interacting with the filesystem
- i18n Package: Internationalization libraries
- Installer Package: Libraries for installing extensions
- Mail Package: E-Mail related libraries
- Model Package: Data Access Object libraries
- Parameter Package: Parameter manipulation and rendering libraries
- Registry Package: Configuration store libraries
- Template Package: Templating libraries
- Utilities Package: Miscellaneous libraries