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Buying, Wearing and Collecting Vintage Jewellery - What You Should Know

Antique and vintage jewellery comes with an allure all of its own! When you think of antique jewelry, you usually think of the type of thing that occurs on the Antique Road Show, the Faberge jewellery that is valued from the thousands of pounds, but of course almost all of vintage pieces are much more modest and affordable. I began in antique fairs some years ago, and jewellery was always popular, whether rings, brooches, or necklaces or bracelets.

The idea of 'vintage' in the context of jewellery covers a whole range of looks, styles and eras. Never to be confused with antique which is generally pre-1920s jewellery. Basically, this means jewellery of a bygone era, but different kinds of vintage may be found in and out of fashion continuously. For example, recent trends are actually watches - no, not watches, but watch pendants hung from necklaces, brooches, bracelets and even earrings! Celebs have also been wearing lots of pearls and which means you is a massive vintage trend currently. But any jewellery from a recognisable era - the swinging sixties, glitzy seventies, excessive eighties to take a few examples - can properly be called vintage.

To locate the vintage look, you won't need to buy authentic old pieces. Which is healthy, since their popularity has driven prices sky high. The high street is constantly mimicking the catwalk trends and this is very good news for you given that it means you can continue up with the latest trends without having to spend a great find. You will get a portion of vintage couture for an off-the-rack price, without starting double figures.

For many people you shouldn't keep an eye out for genuine. Great places to check are antiques markets and charity shops the place that the prices are likely to be lower. Charity shops in trendy locations are specially good for great finds, where obsessed fashion followers regularly clean out boxes of items that you'd never dream you could otherwise afford. In case you are buying the genuine article, you'll end up paying much more and you interest to make sure your investment doesn't get wasted.

Naturally, the disease of the jewellery is planning to affect its value so check carefully for damage, ensuring stones or enamel aren't chipped or cracked and are held securely in position. Keep clear of pieces that will be corroded, have discolouration, cracks, or chips - especially plated pieces because they should not be repaired cheaply (plating starts at about $50). Just a little scratching on metal is acceptable for age though - you are buying new jewellery and it will improve the overall vintage feel.

Finally, watch carefully for fakes for anybody who is buying being an investment in addition to wear the jewellery. A wise idea is to look up list prices before you purchase what you think is a branded item so you could have a thought of what you needs to be paying. Famous name brands like Chanel are sometimes forged so ask for evidence of authenticity and be extra careful when spending somewhat more on them.

For a gorgeous collection of affordable deco jewellery try adhgems.co.uk vintage jewellery and check out their tips on buying antique engagement ring should you be considering to splash on genuine.

