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Datastream Pro
来自开放百科 - 灰狐
目录 |
Datastream Pro是一个数据库浏览器和数据操作工具.它易于使用,可靠,稳定,操作直观。Datastream Pro支持所有兼容JDBC的数据库(已经在Oracle,MySQL,postgreSQL和HSQLDb上测试成功).利用它可以浏览与编辑数据库中的数据,可在一个友好的界面中运行与编辑SQL脚本,可使用查询编辑器来编辑SQL查询,可同时连接到多个数据库和易于使用的连接向导等。
Datastream Pro is avaliable on both Linux and Windows。
- Browse and edit the data in your database.
- Run and edit SQL scripts in a user friendly environment.
- Use the query editor to edit your SQL queries.
- Simultaneously connect to multiple databases
- Supports almost any JDBC compliant database (tested on Oracle, MySQL, postgreSQL and HSQLDb)
- Easy to use connection wizard.
- Secure, personalised settings for connections and preferences
- Built in text editor
- Reliable and stable
Browse data in catalogs and schemas.
Write and test SQL queries easily using the SQL command tool.
Configure and use any jdbc driver.