欢迎大家赞助一杯啤酒🍺 我们准备了下酒菜:Formal mathematics/Isabelle/ML, Formal verification/Coq/ACL2/Agda, C++/Lisp/Haskell
目录 |
- 社群入口网站和讨论区
- 企业网站/企业内部入口网站
- 个人网站
- 爱好网站
- 电子商务应用
- 资源分类目录
- 内容管理系统
- blog
- 共同写作环境
- 讨论区
- 电子报
- 相簿
- 文件的上传与下载
http://demo.huihoo.com/drupal/ 管理员: admin/admin
Huihoo Drupal 讨论区: http://forum.huihoo.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=188
1. 下载 drupal
http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/drupal/files/projects/drupal-4.7.2.tar.gz tar -zxvf drupal-4.7.2.tar.gz mv drupal-x.x.x/* /var/www
2. 创建数据库
mysqladmin -u root -p create drupal mysql -u root -p mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON drupal.* TO drupal@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'drupal'; mysql>flush privileges;
3. 导入数据
mysql -u drupal -p drupal < database/database.4.1.mysql
因为 database.4.1.mysql 文件 要求使用DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8, 而我使用的是 mysql 4.0 所以
mysql -u drupal -p drupal < database/database.4.0.mysql // 没有强制使用 utf8
这里针对mysql 4.x 的版本, 所以需要设置 创建drupal数据库时指定默认字符集为 utf8
mysql>status Client characterset: latin1 Server characterset: latin1
/* On MySQL 4.1 and later, force UTF-8 */ if (version_compare(mysql_get_server_info(), '4.1.0', '>=')) { mysql_query('SET NAMES "utf8"', $connection); } return $connection; }
4. 连接drupal 修改sites/default/settings.php
$db_url = "mysql://drupal:drupal@localhost/drupal";
Module 安装很简单,基本是按照以下步骤:
1. Copy the scheduler.module to the Drupal modules/ directory. 2. Run the scheduler.mysql file to create the necessary database table. 3. Activate the module on the admin/modules page
Themes的安装很简单,将其下载解压后拷贝到 /var/www/drupal/themes 目录下,然后通过管理控制面板选择并激活它就可以啦。
Drupal Modules
- AdSense - http://drupal.org/project/adsense
- Bookmarks
- Single Sign-On
- Upload Image
- Video
Drupal Themes
Drupal Hacks
添加Google Adsense
- Log in as the site administrator
- Go to Administer -> Blocks
- Add a block
- Give the block a descriptive title, e.g. "Google Ads"
- Paste the AdSense code from your account. Make sure that you paste the entire code as it is and not miss any lines.
- Make sure that the type is PHP. If you do not see a type PHP, then add it in the Input Format.
- Give the block a description, e.g. "Google Ads"
- Click on "Save"
Now you have created the block, you need to enable it and position it.
- Click on the Enabled checkbox
- Select a weight for the block
- Select if it is to be displayed in the right or left column.
Do not click "Save" yet. Go to the next step.
更多细节: http://baheyeldin.com/drupal/using-google-adsense-with-drupal.html
- http://drupal.org/
- http://drupal.org/project/
- http://drupal.org/project/Modules
- http://drupal.org/project/Themes
- Installing Drupal http://drupal.org/node/260
- http://www.spreadfirefox.com
- http://kerneltrap.org/
- http://evolt.org/
- HowtoForge is the source for Linux tutorials
- http://www.twit.tv/
- http://rubybaboon.com/
- http://www.ourmedia.org
- http://gallery.menalto.com/
- http://www.songbirdnest.com/
- http://upcoming.org/
- http://eventful.com/
- http://www.volunteermatch.org/
- http://www.drupalchina.org/
- 非常大米 http://www.verydummy.com
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- 偶想爱你 http://www.5321.com.cn
- Phoenix's Knowledge Base http://www.phoenix-scene.info
- 贫富差距网 http://china-str.com/
- 德国中欧文化交流网 http://http://www.zentaocn.com/dp/
- 外国虚拟主机空间选择网 http://webhosting-cheap.info/
- 北京高考美术培训中心 http://artnew.be/
- 爱游一游 http://www.iu1u.com
- Sam's Great Web http://sam.greatweb.cn
- 何氏笔录 http://holz.byethost15.com
- 流金岁月 http://www.hexic.cn
- 新丝路译站 http://21-silkroad.com
- 汪炳吉的个人网站 http://wbj123.com/
- 悟灭心非尽 http://www.kylinx.net
- LVS中文站点 http://zh.LinuxVirtualServer.org/
- 春晓Flex2应用网 http://www.inspring.cn/
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- 中国旅游英文网 http://www.mychinatour.cn/