
来自开放百科 - 灰狐
2007年2月4日 (日) 12:33Allen (讨论 | 贡献)的版本

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Zenoss: Open Source Enterprise Monitoring Powered by Python

Architecture Highlights

Zenoss arch big.jpg

  • Integrated Package - complete monitoring solution in an integrated software package with consistent design and code base
  • Unified Data Model - detailed, object-based data representation of IT environment including relationships between components and layers
  • Class-based Configuration - manage configuration settings at the class (i.e. template), sub-class or instance-level with support for inheritance
  • Hierarchical Navigation - file system metaphor for navigation of IT model and configuration
  • Logical and Physical Groupings - group resources into arbitrarily complex groupings based on location, responsibility, business systems, etc., manage settings and views reports at group, sub-group or node level
  • Agnostic Collection - support for various collection protocols, works with existing agents or agentless
  • Scalable Collection - asynchronous, multi-threaded, distributable collection services
  • Tiered Customization - substantial functionality "out of the box", various levels of customization depending on needs and expertise including GUI configuration, skins, plug-ins, interfaces and core programming.
  • Extensive Automation - automation of routine tasks, especially maintenance of an up-to-date model of your IT environment
  • Modern Web App Architecture - leverage of Zope to provide a productive, secure and mature web application and object publishing framework
  • Python Programming Language - makes it easy to read, grok and extend; makes it fun to program!


