
来自开放百科 - 灰狐
2007年8月24日 (五) 09:51Allen (讨论 | 贡献)的版本

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JFire – Open Source RCP based ERP framework, and powerful and free ERP, CRM, eBusiness and SCM /SRM solution for business enterprises.

Server Architecture

JFire Server Architecture

The Base-Module is responsible for Authentication, User- and Rightsmanagement and builds the core for transactions between different organisations and servers. On top of it comes the Trade-Module which includes Accounting, Store-Management, Reporting and forms the base for a general distribution sales network.

The Trade-Module offers many interfaces for easy integration of external systems like third-party payment- or delivery-systems. Additionally it provides extension possibilities to build your own Businnes Application on top of JFire.

Client Architecture

JFire Client Architecture

The Client is based on the Eclipse RCP framework and makes extensively use of its flexible plugin management. The design is similar to the server. The Base module provides you with the Graphical User Interface for adminstration of users and organisations. The Trade modul lets you easily configure the sales-conditions of your products, write invoices, keep the overview over your finances and show you detailed reports of all transactions.

Furthermore you can combine your Trade platform with the Editor2D module in order to edit and visualize things, if it is needed for your business.


