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Liferay Portal is a Java/J2EE portal system that provides personalization (like Yahoo!), web email (like Hotmail), blogs (like Xanga), document library, CMS, message boards (like Jive), shopping (e-commerce), Wiki and many other web tools all available
License : MIT License
InfoWorld 2007 Technology of the Year Awards:
Liferay Wins for Best Open Source Portal!
最新版: 4.3
目录 |
get it from http://download.huihoo.com/application/cms-portal/liferay/ unzip liferay-portal-jetty-4.2.2.zip vi bin/run.sh java -Xmx256m ... //估计你没有 768m的内存 :) bin/run.sh http://localhost:8080/ [email protected]/test
Road Map
Integration Alfresco Portlets, Magnolia CMS, MVN Forum, OpenCMS ...
Refactor Portal Core using JSF
Refactor Portlets using JSF
Business Intelligence Suite (Liferay Vision)
Learning Management System (Liferay University)
- 用户能通过以下接口访问portal : SOAP,RMI,Custom tunneling class
- HTML and WML: Struts Servlet
- Web Services : Axis Servlet
- J2ME,J2SE,J2EE: Tunnel Servlet
- JSR 168 (Java Portlet Specification) http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr168/index.html
- J2EE (Servlets and .JSPs, optionally EJBs if transactions needed)
- Tomcat or JBoss (or numerous other application servers) http://tomcat.apache.org/
- Any SQL database (mySQL or numerous other SQL databases)
- Apache Struts + Tiles http://struts.apache.org/
- Apache Velocity http://velocity.apache.org
- EasyConf http://easyconf.sourceforge.net/
- Hibernate http://www.hibernate.org/
- Spring http://www.springframework.org/
explains the inner details of how the permissions system works in Liferay
Internal API
Liferay Ecosystem
Chutes and Ladders - Liferay. The diagram below is incomplete but begins to show how the Liferay community can work to create an ecosystem and how the some of the roles interact. Note that many activities cause benificial positive feedback loops which lead to a strong community, a strong product and thus a strong business model for Liferay, Service Integrators, and Customers.
Liferay Dependencies
Liferay 项目中所使用的软件包
- Liferay系统架构
- 核心技术
- 表现层
- 分析AddressBook Portlet
- 开发Portlet
- 修改、完善Liferay
- 编译Liferay
- 配置数据库
- 代码生成
- Liferay的定制
- 支持多语言
- 细节整理
html文档 - http://docs.huihoo.com/liferay/liferay-tech.html
word文档 - http://docs.huihoo.com/liferay/liferay-tech.doc
Source Code Organization
You just downloaded the source code. Inside you find a the following directory structure:
- -rwx------ 1 app.server.properties
- drwx------+ 7 applets
- -rwx------ 1 build-common-ejb.xml
- -rwx------ 1 build-common-java.xml
- -rwx------ 1 build-common-web.xml
- -rwx------ 1 build-common.xml
- -rwx------ 1 build.properties
- -rwx------ 1 build.xml
- -rwx------ 1 changes.txt
- drwx------+ 2 classes
- drwx------+ 3 cms-web
- -rwx------ 1 copyright.txt
- drwx------+ 4 counter-ejb
- drwx------+ 2 definitions
- drwx------+ 4 documentlibrary-ejb
- drwx------+ 5 filters
- drwx------+ 4 laszlo-web
- drwx------+ 3 layouttpl
- drwx------+ 5 lib
- drwx------+ 4 lock-ejb
- drwx------+ 5 mail-ejb
- drwx------+ 3 portal-client
- drwx------+ 3 portal-ear
- drwx------+ 4 portal-ejb
- drwx------+ 4 portal-kernel
- drwx------+ 3 portal-web
- drwx------+ 8 portlets
- -rwx------ 1 release.properties
- -rwx------ 1 sample-dao-portlet-4.1.0.war
- -rwx------ 1 sample-jsf-myfaces-portlet-4.1.0.war
- -rwx------ 1 sample-jsf-sun-portlet-4.1.0.war
- -rwx------ 1 sample-json-portlet-4.1.0.war
- -rwx------ 1 sample-jsp-portlet-4.1.0.war
- -rwx------ 1 sample-struts-portlet-4.1.0.war
- drwx------+ 19 sql
- drwx------+ 2 themes
- drwx------+ 4 tools
- drwx------+ 3 tunnel-web
- drwx------+ 4 util-bridges
- drwx------+ 4 util-java
- drwx------+ 4 util-taglib
- drwx------+ 4 util-wsrp
- drwx------+ 3 web-sites
- Christian Science Monitor - http://www.csmonitor.com/ Traffic Rank 10,212
- http://www.educa.madrid.org/ Traffic Rank 7,840