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2008年8月19日 (二) 15:59Allen (讨论 | 贡献)的版本

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XAware Open Source Data Integration

开源XAware 5.1数据集成软件为REST、XML验证和JMX BizComponent提供新支持



XAware Designer

  • Eclipse 3.2 IDE plug-in for creating, testing, and deploying standards-compliant web services
  • Graphical display using UML Activity Diagrams
  • Web services are built using configurable and reusable components
  • Components and related meta data are cataloged and easily searched
  • Micro-workflow capability including conditional logic and business rule processing
  • Support for complex industry standard XML schemas
  • Full support of web services styles including RPC Encoded, RPC Literal, Document Literal and Document Literal Wrapped
  • Graphical drag-and-drop mapping of source elements to target data sources
  • Wizard-driven processes allow design-time access to J2EE-managed resources such as data connection pools managed by an application server
  • Wizard-driven support for configuring and mapping complex SQL or dropping in pre-built SQL expressions
  • Debugging and validation tools within the design environment speed service creation and testing
  • Simple packaging and deployment of services using XAware application archive (XAR) files

XAware Engine

  • J2EE application that can deployed on application servers (WebSphere, WebLogic, Oracle, Sun, JBoss), on web servers (IIS, Apache, Tomcat), embedded within custom applications or deployed standalone.
  • Modular architecture built on the Spring framework
  • Multi-threaded, scalable, clusterable
  • Optimized for XML processing
  • High volume transaction processing capabilities
  • Comprehensive log and statistic viewing through browser interface

XAware Adapters and Connectors

  • Interface to structure and unstructured text using File BizComponent, or Multi-format BizComponent
  • Relational database connectivity through SQL BizComponent or Stored-Procedure BizComponent
  • Link Java classes through Java BizComponent
  • Plug into messaging queues through JMS BizComponent or MQ BizComponent
  • Interface to web service interface through SOAP BizComponent or HTTP BizComponent
  • Map XML source and target structures through XML Mapper BizComponent or XSL BizComponent
  • Mainframe integration to COBOL Copybooks
  • Invoke XAware applications through HTTP, Java API, messaging, or SOAP
  • Add in-line custom business logic using Functoids


