
来自开放百科 - 灰狐
2012年2月6日 (一) 22:24AdamCourtlandt580 (讨论 | 贡献)的版本

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Do I work from home or rent an office is typically the first question you will ask yourself when you embark on your new business venture. Before you answer it is vital to consider a number of things such as office space, equipment, internet and customer meetings. These elements will give you a better indication of where to set up your business and how to best meet your business location needs.

Work from home or rent office space? Do you have suitable office space at home such as a spare room? Will the children get under your feet while you are trying to work? How much will it cost to set up your office? Think carefully about both scenarios particularly about what you will need, where the best location is, and what can you afford etc

Here is a list of things to consider when setting up an office:

PC Printer Suitable spare room/ample rental office premises Office furniture - chair, desk, shelves, cabinets etc Product tools and equipment needs Telephone/Mobile/Fax Broadband/Internet/WiFi/Email Company stock - headed paper, business cards, brochures, price lists Website and Logo Design Social Media - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc Printing Costs Storage/Security Parking Visitor/Client Meetings and Staff Training Site Costs/Rent/Insurance etc

Highlighted above is a list of basic considerations (and there are many more) to help get you set up and started in your office. Dependent on your type of business, whether you sell a product or service, you will have your own individual requirements. Remember to ask your accountant for advice about what you can and can't claim on expenses. This will apply whether you work from your home office or rented office space. Together with being able to claim on your premises ask about other related costs and expenses also.

As your business grows so too will your list of necessary items. You may start out as a one man band working from your spare room, only to quickly discover that you need to employ staff. This will change the physical dynamic of the business as you will need to look for larger office space, more furniture and improved facilities. Likewise your sole trader business may see rapid growth in the product area and you will need to source better storage options or outsource to a supplier or fulfilment & distribution house.

Think carefully about what you need. Start small and grow with your business. オフィス 神田

