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Philadelphia, PA – February 10, 2012 Garfield Refining Express (www.GarfieldRefining.com/CashForGold), the leader in the gold refining business for a number of industries, has launched a website offering their services to the public. They are a well-known and trusted refinery for the trades and is now making their service available to the public online. The website was developed by The Garfield Refining Company headquartered in Philadelphia, PA. Cash 4 Gold The Garfield Refining Express website features a form where you can fill out your information to have a mail-in envelope sent to your home or office. The Garfield Refining Company has been the professional refinery of choice for the precious metals industry for over 120 years. For the entire life of the company they have proudly served the jewelers, dentists, optometrists, and pawn brokers across America. They are now opening their mail-in precious metal business from industries to individuals. Garfield Refining Express will compete to offer the quickest turnaround time in the industry. They receive shipments 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. From the moment the shipment of gold or other precious metal scrap is received, the payment is sent within 24-hour business day. Garfield Refining Company is extending to individual customers their 24 Karat Guarantee of Satisfaction. Historically, this guarantee was a protection reserved for the industry but now is open for any customer sending in their precious metal jewelry, scrap, or bullion. The Garfield Refining Company services 500,000 corporate clients every year. Delivering immediGarfield ate payment for their gold, silver, platinum and palladium scrap. Garfield Refining Company maintains the most state-of-the-art equipment in their laboratory to give the most accurate prices. Their assay laboratory assures that when you refine gold or other precious metals, you get the highest yield possible. we buy gold The expertise, reliability and integrity of Garfield Refining Company have served generations of customers for over a century. Customers can choose to be paid in cash or bullion. Any individual can now be paid for their precious metal jewelry in gold and silver bullion outright. The Garfield Refining Company is led by President and CEO, Matt Garfield. He has maintained the tradition of customer service that has been the keystone to the Garfield Refining Company’s success over many decades. Garfield Refining Express is a new website promoting The Garfield Refining Company to individual customers. After 120 years, Garfield Refining Company is taking its revolutionary mail-in gold buying program for the trades and opening it up to private individuals. The Garfield Refining Company is located in Philadelphia, PA. cash for gold

