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Java EE Service Engine
来自开放百科 - 灰狐
Java EE Service Engine acts as a bridge between GlassFish and Open ESB environment for web service providers and web service consumers deployed in GlassFish. It provides numerous benefits including the following :
- EJBs/Servlets packaged as web services and deployed on GlassFish are transparently exposed as service providers in JBI Enviroment
- Java EE Components - EJBs/Servlets can consume services exposed in JBI enviroment using the Java EE service engine without being aware of the underlying binding/protocol such as SOAP, JMS etc exposing the web service.
- In-process communication between components of application server and JBI components to increase request processing speed.
- Any component that is plugged into ESB can directly communicate with Java EE applications. For example, clients of various bindings such as SOAP or JMS can communicate with web services developed using Java EE via open-esb because of Java EE Service Engine.