欢迎大家赞助一杯啤酒🍺 我们准备了下酒菜:Formal mathematics/Isabelle/ML, Formal verification/Coq/ACL2, C++/F#/Lisp
"Django lets you write web apps in Django. TurboGears lets you write web apps in TurboGears. Web.py lets you write web apps in Python." - Adam Atlas
目录 |
0.3x版本的开发, https://launchpad.net/webpy
wget http://webpy.org/web.py-0.2.tar.gz python setup.py install // install to /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/web touch code.py import web urls = ( '/hello/webpy', 'index' ) class index: def GET(self): print "hello, webpy" if __name__ == "__main__": web.run(urls, globals()) python code.py http://localhost:8080/hello/webpy :)
Build on Python 2.3
File "utils.py", line 528 return .join(c for c in str(string).split('.')[0] if c.isdigit()) change to return .join([c for c in str(string).split('.')[0] if c.isdigit()]) python setup.py install // ok :)
mkdir templates cd templates touch index.html
For MySQL databases, use MySQLdb and for Postgres use psycopg2.
web.config.db_parameters = dict(dbn='postgres', user='username', pw='password', db='dbname') web.config.db_parameters = dict(dbn='mysql', user='username', pw='password', db='dbname')
- http://docs.huihoo.com/webpy/webpy-examples01.tar.gz
- http://docs.huihoo.com/webpy/simplewiki.zip
- http://docs.huihoo.com/webpy/simple-crud-postgresql.zip
- code samples http://webpy.infogami.com/src
import web urls = ( '/', 'index' ) class index: def GET(self): print "Hello, world!"
web.internalerror = web.debugerror web.header("Content-Type","text/html; charset=utf-8")
web.redirect(web.ctx.home+'/page/'+name) if __name__ == "__main__": web.run(urls, globals()) if __name__ == "__main__": web.run(urls, globals(), web.reloader) // more helpful error messages
$def with (name) $if name: I just wanted to say hello to $name. $else: Hello, world!
render = web.template.render('templates/') cache=False name = 'Huihoo' print render.index(name)
i = web.input() n = web.insert('todo', title=i.title) web.seeother('/')
So what Python framework did you use?
web.py, the web application framework of choice for discriminating hackers. web.py is itself built upon Cheetah. The data is stored in a PostgreSQL database and served by Lighttpd.
- Yandex, a Russian traffic provider whose homepage alone receives 70 million daily page views, uses web.py for certain projects.
- http://infogami.com/ built in Python using web.py, PostgreSQL, and Lighttpd.
- web.py wiki - http://webpy.infogami.com/
- http://www.youos.com
"We completed our server rewrite a few days ago with web.py and it was everything we could have wished for." - Sam Hsiung, YouOS
- http://webpy.org/
- http://webpy.infogami.com/
- http://groups.google.com/group/webpy
- https://code.launchpad.net/webpy/
- http://download.huihoo.com/webpy/
- http://docs.huihoo.com/webpy/