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Cloud computing
互联网的圣杯之战: 终端(PC,手机,电视)和云计算
云计算标准组织: Open Cloud Consortium
Ruby + Rails + EC2 看上去是个不错的选择, http://heroku.com/ 开始提供这样的服务。
- 1.以用户为中心:数据存在于云海之中,并且伴随着你和你的设备,你可以在任何时间、任何地点以某种便捷的方式安全地获得它或与他人分享。
- 2.以任务为中心:人们可以方便地与合作者共同规划并执行各项任务,并随时随地进行有效的交流和沟通。
- 3.强大的功能:置于云海中由成千上万的计算机群提供的强大计算能力、存储能力等将能够为你完成传统上单台计算机根本无法完成的事情。
- 4.智能化:基于海量数据的数据挖掘技术来获得大量的新知识。作为一个典型的示例,基于这种新技术的语言翻译将更加强大。我们在互联网络上,可以看到这样一种模式
海量的数据 + 海量的分析 ==〉知识
- 5.基础设施的可行性:如今,上千台的PC级服务器可以获得极高的性能。Google正在建设更强大的“计算机群农场”(就像高产的奶牛场一样)。
- 6.并行软件的可编程性:怎样编写可以在上千台计算机上并行执行的程序?Google如今已经开发了一系列新的开发方法和技术。
目录[隐藏] |
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您可以在Wikipedia上了解到此条目的英文信息 Cloud computing Thanks, Wikipedia. |
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
云计算有各种各样的定义。基于我们对云计算的理解,我们对云计算的定义就是Everything as a Service。“云计算”产业可以归纳为一个金字塔模型,处于金字塔基座位置的是基础设施层,提供计算、存储、带宽等按需的IaaS云基础设施服务,这是所有应用和平台的基础,也是虚拟化、自动化等云计算关键技术的集中体现层,如Amazon的AWS,世纪互联的CloudEx; 基于基础设施之上的是为应用开发提供接口和软件运行环境的平台层的PaaS服务,如微软的Azure和Google的App Engine;处于金字塔顶端的是应用层,提供在线的软件服务即SaaS服务,最知名的就是SalesForce了,另外还有NetSuite、 Google Apps、微软的Live Office等。这三个层面合起来构成了一条完整的云计算产业链。
Cloud & Grid
Grid Computing = Compute Grids + Data Grids
Cloud Computing = Grid Computing + Data Center Automation
The architecture behind cloud computing is a massive network of "cloud servers" interconnected as if in a grid running in parallel, sometimes using the technique of virtualization to maximize computing power per server.
A front-end interface allows a user to select a service from a catalog. This request gets passed to the system management which finds the correct resources, and then calls the provisioning services which carves out resources in the cloud. The provisioning service may deploy the requested stack or web application as well.
- User interaction interface: This is how users of the cloud interface with the cloud to request services.
- Services catalog: This is the list of services that a user can request.
- System management: This is the piece which manages the computer resources available.
- Provisioning tool: This tool carves out the systems from the cloud to deliver on the requested service. It may also deploy the required images.
- Monitoring and metering: This optional piece tracks the usage of the cloud so the resources used can be attributed to a certain user.
- Servers: The servers are managed by the system management tool. They can be either virtual or real.
Above from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing
Google 的核心基础设施包括: Google File System, MapReduce, BigTable, 类似 Google 基础架构的 Cloud Computing 模式非常吸引人。
你也可试着通过 ZFS and Lustre, Apache Hadoop, Hypertable and HBase 搭建自己的核心基础设施.
- Deltacloud: 屏蔽云环境之间的差异,将多个云整合为一个云。
- BoxGrinder: 为大量多重虚拟化结构轻松地进行服务器配置
- Cobbler: 用于快速设置网络安装设备的安装服务器
- Condor: 管理全球数百万台机器的批处理系统
- SteamCannon: 开源PaaS,类似 Amazon EC2
- Hail: 将云服务纳入云计算项目中
- Infinispan: 具有卓越扩展能力和高可用性的数据网格平台
- Libvirt: 通用、全面且可扩展的层,用于安全地管理节点上的域
- Spice: 开放的远程计算解决方案,或者用于和虚拟化桌面设备交互的解决方案
- Thincrust: 用于为云计算环境构建设备的工具
- Vertebra
- Enomalism: Elastic Computing Platform (Open Source LGPL)
- AppScale
- Nimbus
- Apache CouchDB
- KnowledgeTree: Cloud-based Open Source Document Management
- OpenNebula Virtual Infrastructure Engine (Open Source, Apache2 license)
- Cloud Tools
- Facebook Open Platform
- Project Caroline
- abiCloud
- OpenCloud
- Unified Cloud Interface
Cloud Security
趋势科技Secure Cloud云安全6大杀手锏:
- 1.Web信誉服务
- 2.电子邮件信誉服务
- 3.文件信誉服务
- 4.行为关联分析技术
- 5.自动反馈机制
- 6.威胁信息汇总
- 集群辨别能力。互联网可信认证体系,海量联机样本,分辨互联网上亿文件的善恶属性。
- 集群分析能力。金山毒霸水银平台,每日分析处理上百万未知文件,样本名单已达数TB!
- 集群情报收集。金山毒霸爬虫系统,自动抓取互联网上千万可疑安全威胁,反应迅速!
Cloud Storage
Data Storage as a Service
- Amazon Web Services Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) - http://aws.amazon.com/ec2
- Google App Engine
- Azure Services Platform
- Yahoo! Open Strategy 可理解为Yahoo云计算的组成部分
- Salesforce.com
- Dell Cloud Computing Solutions
- Microsoft Cloud Solutions for Enterprises and SMBs
- Sun's Project Blackbox: http://sun.com/blackbox
- Joyent provides a highly scalable on-demand infrastructure for running web sites, including rich Web applications written in Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python and Java.
- Nirvanix, offers a storage delivery service used by developers for storing content and data and making them available worldwide at low latency.
- 3tera, has created a network of partners with it's AppLogic system in the US, Asia and Europe who provide resources for developers to run their applications in the cloud.
- Live Mesh: https://www.mesh.com
- ElasticLive - Easy, Powerful, and elastic web hosting billed on a hourly usage basis., (built with Enomalism + Xen + Amazon EC2)
- Gandi Hosting - Flexible, we are able to provide you with a server of dedicated resources that you can access as 'root', or that we can manage for you
- GeoStratus - Geo-Targeted Private Content Delivery Network
- 云计算文档
- 云计算比较:EC2, Mosso和GoGrid
- Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) - security best practices for cloud computing
- 一些分布式系统的资料,有很高的参考价值
- 浅析App Engine
- 构建大型云计算平台分布式技术的实践