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With the introduction of the new Facebook Covers, Mark Zuckerberg brings great new features to the social network. Till now Facebook has had relatively mild pace of technology advances. First with the introduction of profiles with colleges, then the news feed, chat, and other graphical enhancements. But with FB Timeline, there is a major change in the structure of the profile interface.

The first thing you'll notice is everything is rearranged. Your profile picture will be much smaller, to the size of a square, and there will be a massive block that the user can configure to his or her choice. This block is called the Facebook Cover. You can use any image you want as long as it fits in the terms of service of their agreement. A nice feature they added is that you can also choose from your current photos and determine which one you like. You can also grab your friends cover by right clicking and saving to your computer. Then all you would have to do is upload it.

Some other features Facebook brings is a detailed timeline. There algorithm takes in all the information ever posted and indexes in a simple timeline from the bottom to the top of the page. What also is new is the way they have setup the new blocks that show your posts. There are two columns of blocks that go down the page that show recent updates to your profile. Posts can be featured by clicking on the star and that will make your image take the full width of the two columns.

The new features for Facebook should ease the recent pressure of the ongoing thread of Google Plus, a new social network that is taking ground online. Google has the man power and resources to take Facebook out if Facebook is not careful enough. It has happened in the past with the leading social network was overcome by a more sophisticated network. Take MySpace for example. They were the leading pioneers in the social revolution, only to get toppled by a more powerful social network. This can happen to any website if they do not stay agile and innovate.

In all, Facebook brings strong technology to the table. They have invented web enhancements that the world has never seen before such as unique chat functions, dynamic linking and paging, Facebook covers, and powerful server technology.

