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Businesses are growing more aware of the need to understand and implement at least the basics of search engine optimization (SEO). But if you read a variety of blogs and websites, you?ll quickly see that there?s a lot of uncertainty over what makes up ?the basics.? Without access to high-level consulting and without a lot of experience knowing what SEO Greece resources can be trusted, there?s also a lot of misinformation about SEO strategies and tactics.

  • Write unique content

Unique content is important too. You need to provide content that has different information than what is on other sites and other Web pages.

  • Add new content all the time

Sites that have new content added on a regular basis are seen as more reliable than sites that rarely do. This also helps you to increase the amount of relevant content on your site, which also improves your rankings.

  • Commit yourself to the process. SEO isn?t a one-time event. Search engine algorithms change regularly, so the tactics that worked last year may not work this year. SEO requires a long-term outlook and commitment.
  • Choose a phrase that is popular, but not too popular

When trying to decide on a keyword phrase, you want to find one that is popular but not extremely popular. This may seem counter-intuitive, but the reality is that extremely popular keywords are very desirable and so very competitive. It's better to try to optimize for keywords that you can rank higher. You'll get more pageviews from a less popular keyword when you're on the first or second page of the search engines, than from a super popular keyword that you only make it to page 50 of search engines.

  • Build a great web site. I?m sure you want to show up on the first page of results. Ask yourself, ?Is my site really one of the 10 best sites in the world on this topic?? Be honest. If it?s not, make it better.
  • Use the keyword phrase in your title tag

The title tag is one of the most important tags on your Web page. And placing your keyword phrase in the title tag, preferably at the beginning, is very important to get that phrase into the search engines. Plus, that puts your keyword phrase as the link in the search engine index.

  • Include a site map page. Spiders can?t index pages that can?t be crawled. A site map will help spiders find all the important pages on your site, and help the spider understand your site?s hierarchy. This is especially helpful if your site has a hard-to-crawl navigation menu. If your site is large, make several site map pages. Keep each one to less than 100 links. I tell clients 75 is the max to be safe.
  • Get a domain with your keyword phrase

Putting your keyword phrase in your domain name is a great way to optimize for that phrase.

  • Write for users first. Google, Yahoo, etc., have pretty powerful bots crawling the web, but to my knowledge these bots have never bought anything online, signed up for a newsletter, or picked up the phone to call about your services. Humans do those things, so write your page copy with humans in mind. Yes, you need keywords in the text, but don?t stuff each page like a Thanksgiving turkey. Keep it readable.
  • Use your keyword phrase in anchor text of links

Link text is another great place to put your keyword phrase. Links stand out on most Web pages, and so are given higher priority than surrounding text.

  • Start a blog and participate with other related blogs. Search engines, Google especially, love blogs for the fresh content and highly-structured data. Beyond that, there?s no better way to join the conversations that are already taking place about your industry and/or company. Reading and commenting on other blogs can also increase your exposure and help you acquire new links. Related bonus tip: Put your blog at yourdomain.com/blog so your main domain gets the benefit of any links to your blog posts. If that?s not possible, useblog.yourdomain.com.
  • Try to get links from similar sites

Inbound links from sites similar to your own are important as well. This indicates that your site does have content related to that topic. Plus, it indicates that your competition finds your site valuable, and that gives your site more credibility.

