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C++ 是世界上最流行的系统级语言
C++ 是世界上最流行的系统级语言
第10行: 第17行:
*All C++ Functions: http://docs.huihoo.com/cppreference/all_cpp_functions.html
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/cppreference/all_cpp_functions.html All C++ Functions]
*All C Functions: http://docs.huihoo.com/cppreference/all_c_functions.html
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/cppreference/all_c_functions.html All C Functions]
*C++ 语言设计受到了 Simula 的重要影响,[http://www.simula67.info/ Simula] 一种编译式的编程语言,由奥利-约翰·达尔与克利斯登·奈加特,在1960年代于奥斯陆的挪威计算中心,开发出来了 Simula I 与 Simula 67 两代。它承继了 ALGOL 60 的基础,被认为是第一个面向对象编程的编程语言。
*[https://www.stroustrup.com/hopl2.pdf A History of C++: 1979−1991]
C++主要版本:1998, 2003, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2020
[https://github.com/cplusplus/draft C++ standards drafts]
*2020,ISO/IEC 14882:2020, C++20, 第六个C++标准
*2017, ISO/IEC 14882:2017, C++17, 第五个C++标准
*2014, ISO/IEC 14882:2014, C++14, 第四个C++标准
*2011, ISO/IEC 14882:2011, C++11, 第三个C++标准
*2003, ISO/IEC 14882:2003, C++03, 第二个C++标准
*1998, ISO/IEC 14882:1998, C++98, 第一个C++标准
[http://imcc.blogbus.com/logs/107678844.html C++标准的运作方式]:ISO标准委员会,[http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/ SC22 WG21],是在ISO规则下运行的。奇怪的是,这些规则并非标准化的,而是随着时间的变化而变化。(译注:标准委员会的规则并不标准)。大多数国家都有活跃的C++团体并形成了自己的国家标准。这些团体举行会议,通过网络协调一致,并向ISO会议推选代表。加拿大,法国,德国,瑞士,英国和美国是出席这些会议较多的国家。丹麦,荷兰,日本,挪威,西班牙和别的一些国家则是出席人数比较少的国家。大多数通过网络召开的会议都是介于这两者之间,会议记录由标准委员会编号并存放在 WG21。
*[http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/ WG21 - C++]
*[http://www2.research.att.com/~bs/C++0xFAQ.html C++0x - the next ISO C++ standard]
*[http://imcc.blogbus.com/logs/106046323.html C++0x FAQ中文版]
*[https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp Awesome C/C++] [[文件:awesome.png]]
*[https://github.com/rigtorp/awesome-modern-cpp Awesome Modern C++]
Standard C++ library headers listed below, 13 constitute the Standard Template Library, or STL.  
Standard C++ library headers listed below, 13 constitute the Standard Template Library, or STL.  
第63行: 第106行:
*<valarray> -- for defining several classes and template classes that support value-oriented arrays
*<valarray> -- for defining several classes and template classes that support value-oriented arrays
*<vector> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a vector container
*<vector> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a vector container
从某种观点看,C++ 实际上是将三种语言合为一体:
* 一个类似 [[c programming language|C]] 的语言(支持低级程序设计)
* 一个类似 [[Ada]] 的语言(支持抽象数据类型程序设计)
* 一个类似 [http://www.simula67.info/ Simula] 的语言(支持面向对象的程序设计) [https://portablesimula.github.io/github.io/doc/SimulaTextBook.pdf An Introduction to Programming in Simula]
*模板(这里分两类,分别为type rich programming和meta programming,区别很大)
此处来源:[https://www.zhihu.com/question/19794858/answer/18448868 知乎]
* 过程式/结构化
* 面向对象
* 代表Lambda的模板(元编程)
* 以及作为一个Markov Machine也具有图灵完备性的宏。
[https://www.zhihu.com/question/19794858/answer/18449427 此外还有一个我不知道怎么归类的type rich programming。]
[https://www.zhihu.com/question/19794858/answer/16101026 C/C++总共分成四大流派]:
* 1.C风格流派
* 2.面向对象流派
* 3.模板元流派
* 4.混合流派
*[https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines C++ Core Guidelines]
*[https://github.com/Microsoft/GSL GSL: Guidelines Support Library]
C++语言中出现的 extern "C"语法
C++语言中出现的 extern "C"语法
  extern "C" {
  extern "C" {
第79行: 第158行:
  c++ 编译后 _foo_int_float
  c++ 编译后 _foo_int_float
*[https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines C++ Core Guidelines] - "Official" set of C++ guidelines, reviewed by the author of C++.
*[http://www.chromium.org/developers/coding-style/cpp-dos-and-donts C++ Dos and Don'ts] - The Chromium Projects > For Developers > Coding Style > C++ Dos and Don'ts.
*[https://github.com/google/styleguide google-styleguide] - Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects.
*[https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html Google C++ Style Guide]
*[http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/standards.html GNU Coding Standard]
*[https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/CodingStyle Linux kernel coding style]
*[http://llvm.org/docs/CodingStandards.html LLVM Coding Standards]
*C/C++ Reference: http://docs.huihoo.com/cppreference/
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/cppreference/ C/C++ Reference]
*Complete C++ language tutorial: http://docs.huihoo.com/gnu/c++-tutorial/tutorial/
*[http://en.cppreference.com/w/ C++ reference Wiki]
*Boost C++ Libraries: http://docs.huihoo.com/boost/
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/gnu/c++-tutorial/tutorial/ Complete C++ language tutorial]
*[http://books.huihoo.org/how-to-think-like-a-computer-scientist-cpp-version/ How To Think Like A Computer Scientist Learning with C++]
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/boost/ Boost C++ Libraries]
*[http://books.huihoo.org/data-structures-and-algorithms-with-object-oriented-design-patterns-in-c++/html/ Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++]
*[http://gnu.huihoo.org/gcc/ GCC online documentation]
*[http://book.huihoo.com/how-to-think-like-a-computer-scientist-cpp-version/ How To Think Like A Computer Scientist Learning with C++]
*C++之父 http://public.research.att.com/~bs/  
*[http://book.huihoo.com/data-structures-and-algorithms-with-object-oriented-design-patterns-in-c++/html/ Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++]
*C++ Coding Standard - http://docs.huihoo.com/gnu/CppCodingStandard.html
*荣耀 http://www.royaloo.com/
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/infoq/qconshanghai/2015/C++11%e6%a0%b8%e5%bf%83%e7%89%b9%e6%80%a7%e7%ae%80%e6%9e%90.pdf C++11核心特性简析]
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/cpp/from-cpp-primer-learn-cpp.pdf 从《C++ Primer 第四版》入手学习 C++]
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/cpp/cpp-history-and-rationale.pdf C++ History and Rationale]
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/cpp/cpp-dtor-meets-mt.pdf 当析构函数遇到多线程 ─ C++中线程安全的对象回调]
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/cpp/learning-network-programming-20120213.pdf 谈一谈网络编程学习经验]
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/cpp/cpp-practice-20120420.pdf C++ 工程实践经验谈]
*[http://public.research.att.com/~bs/ C++之父] 
*[http://docs.huihoo.com/gnu/CppCodingStandard.html C++ Coding Standard]
*[http://www.royaloo.com/ 荣耀]
*[http://www.informit.com/guides/guide.aspx?g=cplusplus C++ Reference Guide]
*[https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/theme/ccpp/ IBM developerWorks 中国: C/C++ 技术专题]
*[https://www.zhihu.com/question/19794858 怎么样才算是精通 C++?]
*[http://purecpp.org/ purecpp.org]
*[[Qt Creator]]
更多:[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Free_integrated_development_environments Free integrated development environments]
==Free C/C++ Compilers==
*GCC http://gcc.gnu.org/
*GCC http://gcc.gnu.org/
*MinGW http://www.mingw.org/
*MinGW http://www.mingw.org/
第102行: 第217行:
*Comeau C++ Online (EDG C++ front end)  http://www.comeaucomputing.com/tryitout/
*Comeau C++ Online (EDG C++ front end)  http://www.comeaucomputing.com/tryitout/
==C/C++ News Groups==
==News Groups==
==C/C++ Misc==
*The C Standards Committee(ISO C) http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/
*The C Standards Committee(ISO C) http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/
*The C++ Standard Committee(ISO C++) http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/
*The C++ Standard Committee(ISO C++) http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/
第117行: 第232行:
*QT http://www.trolltech.com
*QT http://www.trolltech.com
==C++ Libraries==
*[[Boost]] http://www.boost.org
*[[Boost]] http://www.boost.org
*[[SGI STL]] http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl
*[[SGI STL]] http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl
第131行: 第247行:
*ROOT http://root.cern.ch/root/
*ROOT http://root.cern.ch/root/
==VC ++==
==VC ++==
第140行: 第264行:
  下载3 [http://ftp.sdshiyan.cn/soft/program/DN60ACHS2.rar RAR 文件]
  下载3 [http://ftp.sdshiyan.cn/soft/program/DN60ACHS2.rar RAR 文件]
==External links==
*[http://www.dinkumware.com/manuals/ Dinkumware's C++ Library Reference Manual]
*[http://www.dinkumware.com/manuals/ Dinkumware's C++ Library Reference Manual]
第155行: 第279行:
====Electronic books====
====Electronic books====
*[http://www.relisoft.com/book/index.htm Free book "C++ In Action"] by [[Bartosz Milewski]]
*[http://www.relisoft.com/book/index.htm Free book "C++ In Action"] by Bartosz Milewski
*[http://mindview.net/Books/TICPP/ThinkingInCPP2e.html Free book "Thinking in C++"] by [[Bruce Eckel]]
*[http://mindview.net/Books/TICPP/ThinkingInCPP2e.html Free book "Thinking in C++"] by Bruce Eckel
*[http://www.computer-books.us/cpp.php Computer-Books.us] Collection of online C++ books.
*[http://www.computer-books.us/cpp.php Computer-Books.us] Collection of online C++ books.
*[http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCS/cpp/english/  How To Think Like A Computer Scientist: Learning with C++] by A.B. Downey
*[http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCS/cpp/english/  How To Think Like A Computer Scientist: Learning with C++] by A.B. Downey
第171行: 第295行:
*[http://www.freebyte.com/programming/cpp/ links to C++ Tools]
*[http://www.freebyte.com/programming/cpp/ links to C++ Tools]
*[http://www.robertnz.net/cpp_site.html Internet sites and files of interest to C++ users], A categorised list of C++ related links.
*[http://www.robertnz.net/cpp_site.html Internet sites and files of interest to C++ users], A categorised list of C++ related links.
*[http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml Google C++ Style Guide]
====Libraries and code repositories====
====Libraries and code repositories====
*[http://www.boost.org/ Boost.org] - Selection of peer-reviewed C++ libraries designed to work  with the standard C++ library
*[http://www.boost.org/ Boost.org] - Selection of peer-reviewed C++ libraries designed to work  with the standard C++ library
*[[CodeSynthesis XSD]] - Open-source [[XML data binding]] framework for C++
*[http://www.codesynthesis.com/products/xsd/ XSD: XML Data Binding for C++]
*[http://csourcesearch.net/ csourcesearch.net] (Searchable Open Source C/C++ Code Archive)
*[http://csourcesearch.net/ csourcesearch.net] (Searchable Open Source C/C++ Code Archive)
*[http://www.gnu.org/software/commoncpp/ Portable foundation classes from GNU]
*[http://www.gnu.org/software/commoncpp/ Portable foundation classes from GNU]
*[http://stlsoft.org/ STLSoft libraries]: Open-source, 100% header-only, C/C++ libraries of technology-specific facades and STL extensions.
*[http://stlsoft.org/ STLSoft libraries]: Open-source, 100% header-only, C/C++ libraries of technology-specific facades and STL extensions.
[[Category:Class-based programming languages|C++]]
[[category:programming language]]
[[Category:Curly bracket programming languages]]
[[category:Huihoo Foundation]]
[[Category:Multi-paradigm programming languages]]
[[Category:Programming languages]]

2022年8月26日 (五) 04:12的版本

Wikipedia-35x35.png 您可以在Wikipedia上了解到此条目的英文信息 C++ Thanks, Wikipedia.




C++ 是世界上最流行的系统级语言


第一个 C++ 程序

#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::cout << "hello, world\n";


  • C++ 语言设计受到了 Simula 的重要影响,Simula 一种编译式的编程语言,由奥利-约翰·达尔与克利斯登·奈加特,在1960年代于奥斯陆的挪威计算中心,开发出来了 Simula I 与 Simula 67 两代。它承继了 ALGOL 60 的基础,被认为是第一个面向对象编程的编程语言。
  • A History of C++: 1979−1991


C++主要版本:1998, 2003, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2020

C++ standards drafts

  • 2020,ISO/IEC 14882:2020, C++20, 第六个C++标准
  • 2017, ISO/IEC 14882:2017, C++17, 第五个C++标准
  • 2014, ISO/IEC 14882:2014, C++14, 第四个C++标准
  • 2011, ISO/IEC 14882:2011, C++11, 第三个C++标准
  • 2003, ISO/IEC 14882:2003, C++03, 第二个C++标准
  • 1998, ISO/IEC 14882:1998, C++98, 第一个C++标准

C++标准的运作方式:ISO标准委员会,SC22 WG21,是在ISO规则下运行的。奇怪的是,这些规则并非标准化的,而是随着时间的变化而变化。(译注:标准委员会的规则并不标准)。大多数国家都有活跃的C++团体并形成了自己的国家标准。这些团体举行会议,通过网络协调一致,并向ISO会议推选代表。加拿大,法国,德国,瑞士,英国和美国是出席这些会议较多的国家。丹麦,荷兰,日本,挪威,西班牙和别的一些国家则是出席人数比较少的国家。大多数通过网络召开的会议都是介于这两者之间,会议记录由标准委员会编号并存放在 WG21。





Standard C++ library headers listed below, 13 constitute the Standard Template Library, or STL.

  • <algorithm> -- (STL) for defining numerous templates that implement useful algorithms
  • <bitset> -- for defining a template class that administers sets of bits
  • <cassert> -- for enforcing assertions when functions execute
  • <cctype> -- for classifying characters
  • <cerrno> -- for testing error codes reported by library functions
  • <cfloat> -- for testing floating-point type properties
  • <ciso646> -- for programming in ISO 646 variant character sets
  • <climits> -- for testing integer type properties
  • <clocale> -- for adapting to different cultural conventions
  • <cmath> -- for computing common mathematical functions
  • <complex> -- for defining a template class that supports complex arithmetic
  • <csetjmp> -- for executing nonlocal goto statements
  • <csignal> -- for controlling various exceptional conditions
  • <cstdarg> -- for accessing a varying number of arguments
  • <cstddef> -- for defining several useful types and macros
  • <cstdio> -- for performing input and output
  • <cstdlib> -- for performing a variety of operations
  • <cstring> -- for manipulating several kinds of strings
  • <ctime> -- for converting between various time and date formats
  • <cwchar> -- for manipulating wide streams and several kinds of strings
  • <cwctype> -- for classifying wide characters
  • <deque> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a deque container
  • <exception> -- for defining several functions that control exception handling
  • <fstream> -- for defining several iostreams template classes that manipulate external files
  • <functional> -- (STL) for defining several templates that help construct predicates for the templates defined in <algorithm> and <numeric>
  • <iomanip> -- for declaring several iostreams manipulators that take an argument
  • <ios> -- for defining the template class that serves as the base for many iostreams classes
  • <iosfwd> -- for declaring several iostreams template classes before they are necessarily defined
  • <iostream> -- for declaring the iostreams objects that manipulate the standard streams
  • <istream> -- for defining the template class that performs extractions
  • <iterator> -- (STL) for defining several templates that help define and manipulate iterators
  • <limits> -- for testing numeric type properties
  • <list> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a list container
  • <locale> -- for defining several classes and templates that control locale-specific behavior, as in the iostreams classes
  • <map> -- (STL) for defining template classes that implement associative containers
  • <memory> -- (STL) for defining several templates that allocate and free storage for various container classes
  • <numeric> -- (STL) for defining several templates that implement useful numeric functions
  • <ostream> -- for defining the template class that performs insertions
  • <queue> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a queue container
  • <set> -- (STL) for defining template classes that implement associative containers with unique elements
  • <sstream> -- for defining several iostreams template classes that manipulate string containers
  • <stack> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a stack container
  • <stdexcept> -- for defining several classes useful for reporting exceptions
  • <streambuf> -- for defining template classes that buffer iostreams operations
  • <string> -- for defining a template class that implements a string container
  • <strstream> -- for defining several iostreams classes that manipulate in-memory character sequences
  • <utility> -- (STL) for defining several templates of general utility
  • <valarray> -- for defining several classes and template classes that support value-oriented arrays
  • <vector> -- (STL) for defining a template class that implements a vector container


从某种观点看,C++ 实际上是将三种语言合为一体:



  • 面向对象(灵活应用virtual继承+shared_ptr可以达到java/C#的效果)
  • 模板(这里分两类,分别为type rich programming和meta programming,区别很大)
  • 函数式编程(如今有了lambda,配合<algorithm>文件,简直无敌了)
  • 过程式


另外观点: C++是四类范式的组合体:

  • 过程式/结构化
  • 面向对象
  • 代表Lambda的模板(元编程)
  • 以及作为一个Markov Machine也具有图灵完备性的宏。

此外还有一个我不知道怎么归类的type rich programming。


  • 1.C风格流派
  • 2.面向对象流派
  • 3.模板元流派
  • 4.混合流派



C++语言中出现的 extern "C"语法

extern "C" {
  extern int getopt(int, char * const *, const char *);
  extern char *optarg;

被extern "C"修饰的变量和函数是按照C语言方式编译和连接的;


void foo( int x, int y ); 
c  编译后 _foo
c++ 编译后 _foo_int_int
void foo( int x, float y )
c++ 编译后 _foo_int_float







更多:Free integrated development environments


News Groups

  • comp.lang.c.moderated
  • comp.lang.c++.moderated
  • comp.std.c++





VC ++


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Electronic books



Libraries and code repositories

