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C programming language
来自开放百科 - 灰狐
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您可以在Wikipedia上了解到此条目的英文信息 C programming language Thanks, Wikipedia. |
C 是一种在 UNIX 操作系统的早期就被广泛使用的通用编程语言. 它最早是由贝尔实验室的 Dennis Ritchie 为了 UNIX 的辅助开发而写的, 开始时 UNIX 是用汇编语言和一种叫 B 的语言编写的. 从那时候起, C 就成为世界上使用最广泛计算机语言.
C 能在编程领域里得到如此广泛支持的原因有以下一些:
- 它是一种非常通用的语言. 几乎你所能想到的任何一种计算机上都有至少一种能用的 C 编译器. 并且它的语法和函数库在不同的平台上都是统一的, 这个特性对开发者来说很有吸引力.
- 用 C 写的程序执行速度很快.
- C 是所有版本的UNIX上的系统语言.
第一个 C 程序
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("hello, world\n"); }
#include <windows.h> int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow) { MessageBox (NULL, TEXT ("Hello, Windows 98!"), TEXT ("HelloMsg"), 0) ; return 0 ; }
18 headers from the Standard C library.
- <assert.h> -- for enforcing assertions when functions execute
- <ctype.h> -- for classifying characters
- <errno.h> -- for testing error codes reported by library functions
- <float.h> -- for testing floating-point type properties
- <iso646.h> -- for programming in ISO 646 variant character sets
- <limits.h> -- for testing integer type properties
- <locale.h> -- for adapting to different cultural conventions
- <math.h> -- for computing common mathematical functions
- <setjmp.h> -- for executing nonlocal goto statements
- <signal.h> -- for controlling various exceptional conditions
- <stdarg.h> -- for accessing a varying number of arguments
- <stddef.h> -- for defining several useful types and macros
- <stdio.h> -- for performing input and output
- <stdlib.h> -- for performing a variety of operations
- <string.h> -- for manipulating several kinds of strings
- <time.h> -- for converting between various time and date formats
- <wchar.h> -- for manipulating wide streams and several kinds of strings
- <wctype.h> -- for classifying wide characters