欢迎大家赞助一杯啤酒🍺 我们准备了下酒菜:Formal mathematics/Isabelle/ML, Formal verification/Coq/ACL2/Agda, C++/Lisp/Haskell
Anvil is a Java based server environment and object oriented programming language with templating support, being especially well-suited to for web applications.
Anvil是一个基于Java的为Web程序开发的平台, 可独立或伺服式部署. 它包括大量功能齐全的面向对象的编程语言. 语言的一个子集也可用于一个以tag为基础的模板语言. 所有的脚本和模板都被汇编为Java比特代码.
- Procedural
Modules, namespaces and functions
- Functional
Functions, nested functions, functions closures, enumerations, and generators.
- Object oriented
Classes, nested classes, and method delegates.
- Rich expressions
Runtime typing, regular expressions, hashtable and lists together, multi-assignments, lazy expressions, comprehensions, ...
- Web oriented
<Tagged> template language and tag libraries.
- Web services
Customizable server environment. Includes HTTP listener and database connection pooling.
- Deployable
Run standlone or sa super-servlet
- Batteries included
Libraries included.
- Even more batteries
Generic support for any Java class and library
- anvildoc
Supports automatic Java-style documentation generator.
- Robust
Static binding with direct Java bytecode compilation. "Just-in-time compiler" for eliminating Java reflection.
- Developer friendly
Familiar syntax, automatic compilation, verbose error messages, pretty printing, assertion facility, configuration console, multi-pass compiler...
- Protected
Deliver your application to customer as .class files in a single .jar.