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Apache CXF
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您可以在Wikipedia上了解到此条目的英文信息 Apache CXF Thanks, Wikipedia. |
Apache CXF: An Open Source Service Framework
Apache CXF 是一个Service框架,他简化了Service的创建, CXF实现了JAX-WS2.0规范,并通过了JAX-WS2.0 TCK; CXF和Spring无缝集成;CXF支持多种传输协议(HTTP, JMS, CORBA等),支持多种Binding数据格式(SOAP,XML,JSON等), 支持多种DataBinding数据类型(JAXB, Aegis) 。CXF基于Interceptor的架构,使得整个框架非常易于扩展。
首先目前CeltiXfire已经正式更名为CXF,预计本月底M1就要发布了。作为继承Celtix以及XFire两大开源项目的精华,CXF提供 JAX-WS的全面支持,并且提供了多种Binding以及Transport的支持,你可以采用WSDL first 或者 Code first 轻松实现WebService的发布和使用。 感兴趣的朋友可以参考以下链接获取信息
目录[隐藏] |
Support for Multiple Standards
- JAX-WS, JAX-WSA, and JSR-181and SAAJ
- SOAP 1.1, 1.2, WS-I BasicProfile,
- WS-Security, WS-Addressing,
- WS-RM and WS-Policy
- WSDL 1.1 and 2.0
Transports & Bindings
Multiple Network Protocols (Transports) and Message Formats (Bindings)
- Built-in support for SOAP and XML over HTTP, JMS, and Jabber transports
- StAX-based streaming XML
- Extensible API to support additional bindings including CSV and fixed record length
- Data bindings include JAXB 2.0, XML Beans, Castor, and JiBX
Flexible Deployment
- Lightweight containers: deploy services in Apache Tomcat or Spring-based containers
- JBI integration: deploy as a service engine in a JBI container such as Apache Incubator's ServiceMix, Sun's OpenESB or ObjectWeb's Petals
- SCA integration: deploy in an SCA container such as Apache Incubator's Tuscany
- J2EE integration: deploy services in J2EE application servers such as Apache Geronimo, JOnAS, JBoss, WebLogic, and WebSphere
- Standalone Java client/server
Multiple Languages
Support for Multiple Programming Languages
- Full support for JAX-WS 2.0 client/server programming model
- JAX-WS 2.0 synchronous, asynchronous and one-way API's
- JAX-WS 2.0 Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) API
- Support for wrapped and non-wrapped styles
- XML messaging API
- Support for JavaScript and ECMAScript 4 XML (E4X) — both client and server
- Support for CORBA with Yoko
- Support for SCA withTuscany
- Support for JBI with ServiceMix
- JavaScript
可以用 JavaScript 实现 Apache CXF 服务。
Code Generation
- Java to WSDL
- WSDL to Java
- WSDL to service
http://download.huihoo.com/apache/cxf/ 如: cxf-2.0-incubator-RC/samples/hello_world ant build ant server ant client
Building and running the demo in a servlet container
ant clean ant war export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.17 ant deploy -Dtomcat=true ant client-servlet -Dbase.url=http://localhost:8080 or ant client-servlet -Dhost=localhost -Dport=8080 ant undeploy -Dtomcat=true
Running demo with HTTP GET, APACHE CXF support HTTP GET to invoke the service
ant client ant client.get