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Apache Shindig
来自开放百科 - 灰狐
Shindig - an Apache incubator project for OpenSocial and Gadgets
The architectural components of Shindig can be broken down as follows:
- Gadget Container JavaScript -- core JavaScript foundation for general gadget functionality. This JavaScript manages security, communication, UI layout, and feature extensions, such as the OpenSocial API.
- Gadget Server -- an open source version of Google's gmodules.com, which is used to render the gadget XML into JavaScript and HTML for the container to expose via the container JavaScript.
- OpenSocial Container JavaScript -- JavaScript environment that sits on top of the Gadget Container JavaScript and provides OpenSocial specific functionality (profiles, friends, activities, datastore).
- OpenSocial Data Server -- an implementation of the server interface to container-specific information, including the OpenSocial REST APIs, with clear extension points so others can connect it to their own backends.
- http://incubator.apache.org/shindig/
- http://docs.huihoo.com/apache/shindig/
- How the Shindig REST API works (Java version)
- OpenSocial 开发实践,第 1 部分: OpenSocial 初探
- OpenSocial 开发实践,第 2 部分: Apache Shindig 概览
- OpenSocial 开发实践,第 3 部分: Gadget 之间的通信以及如何使用 OAuth 协议
- OpenSocial 开发实践,第 4 部分: 扩展 Shindig 的能力
- OpenSocial 开发实践,第 5 部分: Shindig 如何显示 Gadget
Powered by
- http://www.hi5.com/
- Partuza based on PHP Apache Shindig
- SocialSite based on Java Apache Shindig
- Zing