Arch Build System

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The Arch Build System (ABS for short) is used to

  • Make new packages of software for which no packages are yet available
  • Customize existing packages to fit your needs (enabling or disabling options)
  • Re-build your entire system using your compiler flags, "a la gentoo"

ABS is not necessary to use Arch Linux, but it is useful.

This how-to tries to give you an overview of ABS and Arch packages, it's not a complete reference guide! If you want more, you should try to read the man pages.



Install Packages

To use abs, you first need to install cvsup and wget, this can be done simply by:

pacman -Sy cvsup wget

Or, if you have downloaded the packages into a directory named 'foo' (for example):

cd foo
pacman -A  cvsup-*.pkg.tar.gz  wget-*.pkg.tar.gz

What is a package file ?

Typically, a package file is a file called foo.pkg.tar.gz

In fact, it is no more than a gzipped tar archive which contains:

  • The files to install
  • .PKGINFO : contains all the metadata needed by pacman to deal with packages, dependencies, etc.
  • .FILELIST : lists all the files of the archive. It's used in order to uninstall the software or to check for file conflicts.
  • .INSTALL : a file used to execute commands after the install/upgrade/remove stage. (This file is only present if specified in the PKGBUILD)

What is a PKGBUILD and what does it contain?

As explained before, the PKGBUILD file contains metadata about a package. It is a simple plain text file. Here is an example:

# $Id: PKGBUILD, v 1.12 2003/11/06 08:26:13 dorphell Exp $
# Maintainer: judd <>
# Contributor: Judd Vinet <>
pkgdesc="short description of foo"
depends=('qt' 'python')

build() {
  cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
  ./configure --prefix=/usr
  make || return 1
  make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install

So let's explain each field :

  • # text : comments
  • # $Id: PKGBUILD, v ... : the cvs-tag for this pkg (from the archlinux-cvs system created)
  • # Maintainer : the maintainer responsible for this pkg in the official Repositories
  • # Contributor : the person who wrote the first PKGBUILD for this package
  • pkgname : the name of the package
  • pkgver : the version of the package
  • pkgrel : the release number of the Arch package. It is different from the version of the package, it is changed when the PKGBUILD is modified, which can happen for many reasons, for example if you enable compile-time support for something
  • pkgdesc : a brief description of the package, this is the one you see when you browse the package database
  • url : the homepage of the software (which appears when you click on a package on the package database)
  • groups : it is used to group packages : when you try to install kde for example, it installs all packages which belongs to the kde group
  • provides : it is used if the package provides an other package. for example, kernel-scsi provides kernel
  • depends : what are the dependencies of the package (what it needs to work)
  • makedepends : dependencies needed to build the package but which are not needed once the package is built
  • conflicts : these packages can not be installed at the same time. here, foo conflicts with yafoo (yet another foo). they cannot be installed at the same time
  • replaces : the new package replaces the old one. here, mffoo (my first foo) is no more supported and being replaced with foo
  • backup : which file to backup (as file.pacsave) when the package is removed
  • install : specifies a special install script that is to be included in the package (it has to be in the same directory as PKGBUILD)
  • source : where to get the source of the package from. it can be a local package as well as a "http" of "ftp" one. it is named using pkgname and pkgver in order to avoid changing the source each time the version changes
  • md5sums : md5sums of the source to check their integrity

So now, let's explain the function :

  • build : all the actions needed to build the package (it will be explained with more attention later in this document)

Well, you see that the PKGBUILD file contains all the information that might be needed by the package manager. It is the heart of pacman and abs.

There are also install files. This PKGBUILD specifies 'foo.install' as the package's install file. Here is an example install file:

post_install() {

post_upgrade() {

pre_remove() {


$op "$@"

Here are the function explanations :

  • post_install : this script is run right after files are installed, it takes one argument :
    • the package version
  • post_upgrade : this script is run after all files have been upgraded, it takes two arguments :
    • the new package version
    • the old package version
  • pre_remove : this script is run right before files are removed (stop a daemon for example) and takes one argument :
    • the package version

The three lines at the bottom are needed in every install file so that they run properly.

The build function

If you're not familiar with building packages, you should know that most packages (but not all) can be built this way :

  • uncompress the source file :
  tar -xzf foo-0.99.tar.gz
  tar -xjf foo-0.99.tar.bz2
  • enter the directory
cd foo-0.99
  • configure the package : generally, there is a little script called configure in the source directory which is used to configure the package (add or remove support for things, choose the install destination, ...) and check that your computer has all the software needed by the package. it can be run by :
./configure [[option]]

You should first try the help to better understand how it works :

./configure --help
  • compile the sources :
  • install
make install

However, you should always read the INSTALL file to know how the package should be built and install ! Not all packages use the configure; make; make install system!

So let's take a look at a "standard" build function :

build() {
  cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
  ./configure --prefix=/usr
  make || return 1
  make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install

What we do is :

  • enter the directory where sources were uncompressed :
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver

But if you try to build your package, be careful that this is the right directory : sometimes the uncompressed directory might be named differently :

tar -xzf foo-0.99.tar.gz

and a ls might return :


and not :

  • configure the package, and tell it to install in the /usr directory :
  ./configure --prefix=/usr
  • compile
  make || return 1
  • install the software but not in /usr, in $startdir/pkg/usr so that pacman has control of the files.
  make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install

What we want to do is build the package not to install it, so instead of installing to the standard place (/usr), we tell make to put all files in our special directory : $startdir/pkg/usr. Thus, makepkg can look and see which files the package installs, and then compress them into the Arch package.

NOTE: It is sometimes the case where prefix is not used in the Makefile; often DESTDIR is used instead. If the package is built with autoconf/automake, use DESTDIR, this is what is documented in the manuals. Check if the generated filelist is a lot shorter than it should be, and if so, try building with make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install. If that does not work, you'll have to look further into the install commands that are executed by "make <...> install=".

The ABS tree

When you run abs for the first time :

root @ localhost # abs

it synchronizes what can be called "the ABS tree" whith the arch server using the cvs system. So what exactly is the ABS tree ? It is located under /var/abs and looks like this :

| -- base/
|     ||-- autoconf/
|     ||-- automake/
|     ||-- ...
| -- devel/
| -- ...
| -- extra/
|      || -- deamons/
|      ||      || -- acpid/
|      ||      ||      || -- PKGBUILD
...    ...    ...    ...

So the ABS tree has exactly the same structure as the package database :

  • first level directory represent categories
  • second level directories represent the packages
  • PKGBUILD files contains every information needed concerning the package

However, there is one special directory : local. This directory is yours, this is where you'll do everything : you should never modify the rest of the tree.

NOTE: The first download of the abs tree is the biggest, then only minor updates are needed, so don't be afraid about the data to download if you've got only a 56k connection : it's only text files and it's compressed during the transfer

Now that you know what the ABS tree is, how can we use it ?

First use of ABS : customizing a package

This situation can arise more often than you may think : official packages are compiled choosing a certain number of --enable or --disable options, and these are not necessarily the ones you would have chosen.

To illustrate it, I'll take an example : foo The foo package is built with arts support disabled. Imagine that we want to enable arts. Here is how to do it :

  • find where is the foo package located. you can do this by :

search for foo at [1] use the find command :

  find /var/abs -name "foo"

use the slocate command :

  slocate foo | grep ^/var/abs

In any case, you'll find that foo is part of extra and multimedia (for example)

  • copy the foo PKGBUILD file to /var/abs/local/foo
  mkdir /var/abs/local/foo
  cp /var/abs/extra/multimedia/foo/* /var/abs/local/foo
  cd /var/abs/local/foo
  • modify the PKGBUILD file : we'll add support for arts :
  build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    make || return 1
    make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install

becomes :

  build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
    ./configure --enable-arts --prefix=/usr
    make || return 1
    make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install
  • launch makepkg :
  • install the new package using one of the following commands (-A for install, -U to upgrade an already installed package):
  pacman -A foo-*.pkg.tar.gz
  pacman -U foo-*.pkg.tar.gz

Compiler Flags and Customizing makepkg

The configuration file for makepkg is /etc/makepkg.conf. Here you can set environment variables for gcc and make, as well as some for makepkg itself. The following is an example of /etc/makepkg.conf.

# The FTP/HTTP download utility that makepkg will use to acquire sources
export FTPAGENT="/usr/bin/wget --continue --passive-ftp --tries=3 --waitretry=3"

# Information passed to gcc about what type of computer this is.
export CARCH="i686"
export CHOST="i686-pc-linux-gnu"

# Flags passed to gcc when a package is being compiled
export CFLAGS "-march athlon-tbird -O2 -pipe"
export CXXFLAGS "-march athlon-tbird -02 -pipe"

# Flags passed to make when a package is being compiled
export MAKEFLAGS="-j 2"

# Enable colorized output messages
export USE_COLOR="y"

# The remaining variables only affect the behavior of makepkg
# Enable fakeroot for building packages as a non-root user.
# See 'man fakeroot' for more information on fakeroot
export USE_FAKEROOT="y"

# The directory where all packages will be placed (default is ./)
export PKGDEST=/home/packages

# Base of the ABS tree (default is /var/abs)
export ABSROOT=/var/abs

# Set this if you want your name to show up in the packages you build
export PACKAGER="John Doe <>"

A word of caution: Users should be sure of any changes they may make to the variables CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, and MAKEFLAGS as they can cause packages to be unstable or impossible to compile. Also, the average Arch Linux user will not need to change the values for CARCH, CHOST, and USE_FAKEROOT.

References for gcc and make flags


This article is copied from and is released under GFDL 1.2

