欢迎大家赞助一杯啤酒🍺 我们准备了下酒菜:Formal mathematics/Isabelle/ML, Formal verification/Coq/ACL2/Agda, C++/Lisp/Haskell
来自开放百科 - 灰狐
CacheFu speeds up Plone dramatically by integrating with caching proxies like Squid and Varnish, as well as in-memory/browser cache settings.
CacheFu is a collection of products which aggregate and simplify various caching settings, speeding up Plone sites using a combination of memory, proxy, and browser caching. CacheFu can be used by itself or with Squid, Varnish, and/or Apache. Configuration files can be generated for Squid, Varnish, Squid-behind-Apache, Varnish-behind-Apache, and Apache cache proxy (if you are using a non-caching Apache by itself or just Zope-only, no extra configuration files are needed).