欢迎大家赞助一杯啤酒🍺 我们准备了下酒菜:Formal mathematics/Isabelle/ML, Formal verification/Coq/ACL2/Agda, C++/Lisp/Haskell
EasyACE: Free, open source, easy-to-use ACE distributions and C++ application framework for Windows, UNIX and Linux
Huihoo ACE5.4/TAO1.4
Version code : TAO1.4ACE5.4_WIN_NoMFC_Release_03162006
Size :39.8M
Contacter and Author : imiddleware@gmail.com
Introduction It's a ACE5.4/TAO1.4 stable version pre-compiled and neatened by Huihoo opensource community (http://www.huihoo.com), which can help developers avoid wasting their time on compiling and pay more attention on how to use this powerful tool.
Huihoo ACE5.4/TAO1.4 Organisation
It's compiled by VC6 sp5,no MFC and release option on windows XP. The
Directory struct is as following:
. bin - all the executable and dll files . idl - all the idl files that make up this distribution . include - all the include files . lib - all the librarie files . src - the source code with the entire distribution. Demos,documents and
other files can be found in
Setting up the environment
In order to operate TAO/ACE correctly, some environment must be set:
. ACE_ROOT set ACE_ROOT=<TAO installation directory> . TAO_ROOT set TAO_ROOT=<TAO installation directory> . TAO_IDL set TAO_IDL=<TAO Installation directory>bintao_idl.exe . PATH set PATH=%TAO_ROOT%/bin;%TAO_ROOT%/lib;%PATH%
For more information ,pls refer to TAO's website(http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/).