欢迎大家赞助一杯啤酒🍺 我们准备了下酒菜:Formal mathematics/Isabelle/ML, Formal verification/Coq/ACL2/Agda, C++/Lisp/Haskell
IBATIS Data Mapper
The iBATIS Data Mapper provides a very simple and flexible means of moving data between your Java and .NET objects and a relationaldatabase. Use the full power of real SQL without a single line of JDBC or ADO.NET code!
The Data Mapper framework (a.k.a. SQL Maps) will help to significantly reduce the amount of Java and .NET code that is normally neededto access a relational database. This framework maps classes to SQL statements using a very simple XML descriptor. Simplicity is the biggest advantage of iBATIS over other frameworks and object relational mapping tools. To use iBATIS you need only be familiar with your own application domain objects (basic JavaBeans or .NET classes), XML, and SQL. There is very little else to learn. There is no complex scheme required to join tables or execute complex queries. Using iBATIS you have the full power of real SQL at your fingertips. The iBATIS Data Mapper framework can map nearly any database to any object model and is very tolerant of legacy designs, or even bad designs. This is all achieved without special database tables, peer objects or code generation.