欢迎大家赞助一杯啤酒🍺 我们准备了下酒菜:Formal mathematics/Isabelle/ML, Formal verification/Coq/ACL2, C++/F#/Lisp
IONA Artix
IONA Artix is comprised of distributed, technology-neutral SOA infrastructure products that work together or independently, allowing customers unprecedented flexibility in SOA adoption. IONA Artix is based on a lightweight, microkernel architecture that provides organizations with the ability to incrementally adopt SOA on their own terms, one step at a time.
Artix 是以插件的形式提供可扩展性的。
ART - IONA 的专利微内核应用程序基础结构是这些插件的基础。
Artix 通过 Artix 端点对现有基础架构进行集成。Artix 端点在网络边缘提供集成功能,与现有服务器和企业功能协同作用。Artix 端点的部署方式如下:
- 部署为运行时库,与现有应用程序共用进程
- 与现有应用程序部署在同一台计算机上,但在单独的进程中运行
- 独立中介
Artix 端点可以一次部署一个,这样客户一开始就能在小范围内实施,之后再根据需要逐步扩大规模。
Artix 端点接口和功能是使用标准 Web 服务描述语言 (WSDL) 指定的,开发人员可以在基于 Eclipse 的 Artix Designer 用户界面中方便地使用该语言。代码 stub 可以从 WSDL 自动生成,从而简化了让现有功能进入服务状态的工作。
Artix 在网络端点上起着专用 Web 服务器的作用。
与其他 ESB 不同,Artix 以分布方式在网络的端点上提供所有功能。
目录 |
- Arwtix ESB - deploys, manages and secures a SOA by modernizing and streamlining existing middleware investments and without requiring a centralized hub
- Artix Registry/Repository - a complete system of record of services that drives and streamlines the deployment of services into a distributed SOA network
- Artix Orchestration - facilitates the composition of fine-grained functionality into reusable services using BPEL to create business-level services
- Artix Data Services - a metadata management, data modeling, and transformation toolkit abstracts data services from the underlying infrastructure
- SOA Management provided by AmberPoint - governs and manages a SOA implementation by monitoring the health of Artix ESB endpoint
Artix Designer
- WSDL generation and editing
- Code generation
- Service deployment and testing
- Mainframe and database connectivity
generate WSDL from
- Java classes
- fixed and tagged data formats
- EJB session beans