欢迎大家赞助一杯啤酒🍺 我们准备了下酒菜:Formal mathematics/Isabelle/ML, Formal verification/Coq/ACL2/Agda, C++/Lisp/Haskell
来自开放百科 - 灰狐
jPortlet is an open-sourced implementation of a Portlet Container.
Portlets are components that run inside the portlet container of a portal server, similar to a servlet running on an application server. The interface between the container and the portlets is defined by the Portlet API.
Since the current JSR 168 has been kept secret for more than 1 year now, jPortlet is not JSR 168 compliant, but the jPortlet API is very similar to the IBM WebSpere Portal Server
- Multi-mode: Portlet can be viewed in different modes: VIEW, EDIT, CONFIGURE or HELP
- Multi-device: The API allow portlets to be deployed on WebBrowser, PDA, cell-phones etc.
- Caching: The portlet container is able to cache portlet's content in order to accelerate the portlet rendering
- Security: Role based security
- Internationalization
- Integration with Velocity
- Integration with Hibernate 1.x
- Model-View-Controller framework
- Skinnable look & feel