欢迎大家赞助一杯啤酒🍺 我们准备了下酒菜:Formal mathematics/Isabelle/ML, Formal verification/Coq/ACL2/Agda, C++/Lisp/Haskell
它提供一个快速、容易实现的并且非常小的 applet 让 web 用户能收听/观看 audio/video 内容而不需要依赖其它媒体播放器或插件。
Features & Benefits
- Streaming or download
MediaFrame can deliver audio & video content over the Internet in either streaming or progressive download mode
- Dynamic video scaling
MediaFrame is capable of stretching media by up to 60% of its original size without a significant loss of quality. This enables you to simulate higher bit rates without the associated costs.
- Broad and narrow band compatible
MediaFrame operates effectively in both broad and narrowband environments
- Built-in connection speed detection
MediaFrame detects your users connection speed in real-time and will deliver media accordingly
- Digital Rights Management (DRM)
A full-featured Digital rights management system is integrated with the core of MediaFrame allowing media files to be locked to a specific domain and expired over time
- Supports .zip compressed files
MediaFrame has built in support for compressed files, meaning you can reduce your bandwidth usage even further
- Pre and post image support
MediaFrame allows you to rotate images before and after video playback.
- Auto-start, click-to-play and rollover-to-play states
Multiple playback states allow you to tightly integrate MediaFrame with your offering.
- Media loop support
MediaFrame can be set to loop media, making it ideal for corporate presentations.
- Full media controls
Play, pause, rewind and mute controls are all available within the video window and can be set to visible, hidden or visible on mouse over. The control set is fully skinable.
- Real-time feedback agent
In-video display alerts your users to the current state of the player (buffering %, playing, paused etc.)
- JavaScript API
MediaFrame is fully JavaScript controllable, making it simple to build your own control set and integrate it with the rest of your site
- Subtitling support
Using the JavaScript API, it is possible to add complete subtitles to any video.
- Easy encoding
MediaFrame is built to support Mpeg playback meaning you can encode MediaFrame-ready video in any one of hundreds of applications, including Adobe AfterEffects
- Cross platform
MediaFrame plays on all Java compatible platforms