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Movable Type
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- http://www.movabletype.org/
- http://www.sixapart.com/movabletype/docs/
- Plugins for Movable Type - http://www.staggernation.com/mtplugins/
- New! Activity Feeds
Reduce the burden of managing your blog by getting all the updates on comments and feedback on your blog, along with your blog's activity, delivered via a secure custom feed.
- Powerful Customizable Search
Movable Type offers built in search, with results pages that can be extensively customized. Readers and users alike can subscribe to search results or entry tags as a feed enabling them to keep tabs on the content they care about. Plus, Movable Type's support for open databases and standard HTML means any standard enterprise search system can automatically index the content of your blogs.
- Support for unlimited blogs
Create a blog for each project, client, or workgroup, or for every person in your organization. Administer centrally.
- Easy-to-use, extensible interface
Point-and-click controls make content creation and author administration a breeze, and can be extended through custom links and additional options.
- Customizable templates
Movable Type's unique and numerous template tags, combined with standard HTML or another markup language, allow unparalleled customization of your site. You can use standard tools like Adobe GoLive CS2.
- Improved! Powerful Templating Language
Movable Type's industry-leading template language is more powerful than ever, letting you choose exactly which content you want to display on your pages, as well as how it's presented. Customize your entire site without having to do any programming.
- Community, Comments and TrackBacks
TrackBack was invented and first introduced in Movable Type and has since become the industry-standard technology powering notifications of new links to your content from other blogs. While entry-based TrackBacks are common today, a unique feature of Movable Type is its support for category TrackBacks. Category TrackBacks ease aggregation and allow the creation of topical, or category-based, portals. As with Comments, TrackBacks can be enabled or disabled on a per-entry, per-blog and per-installation basis and further controlled via IP address banning.
- Spam Protection
Movable Type Enterprise is the only blogging platform with a smart Junk Folder for unwanted comments. Plus, through the use of plugins, you can make the Junk folder even smarter if spammers ever manage to get through. Comments and TrackBacks in the junk folder are deleted automatically after a set period of time configurable by the administrator, who can also adjust the system to be more or less aggressive as needed.
- Content syndication (RSS)
Movable Type supports all common data syndication formats, from XML and RSS to Atom to any other custom formats created through Movable Type's template tags.
- Flexible archiving
Archive content by individual post, post category, or by date. Monthly and weekly archives are standard, and you can choose any number of additional archive types as well.
- Flexible static and dynamic PHP publishing
Choose between static or dynamic pages to optimize your blog for fast content creation and high traffic.
- Simple installation
Six Apart provides expert installation service for a small additional fee as well as a range of hosting options through our partners.
- Unlimited Categories & Sub-categories
Categories are a powerful way to organize entries. Each blog can have it's own set of categories and nested subcategories. Each entry can have multiple category assignments and Movable Type can be configured to publish one or more archives for each category/subcategory making category-based RSS feeds simple.
- New! Extensive Style Library
Customize the look of your site with just a few clicks, without editing any HTML. Choose from dozens of unique designs and layouts.
- New! Tags
Describe your entries with tags so readers can easily find any content and subscribe to custom feeds.
- New! Widgets
Arrange and manage your page just by dragging and dropping. Widgets can include your own content or content from other web services and feeds.
- Email Notification
Describe your entries with email so readers can easily find any content and subscribe to custom feeds.
- Programming interfaces
Movable Type supports the Atom API (application programming interface) and Metaweblog API, allowing dozens of third-party clients and devices to post data to the system.
- Internationalization
Movable Type ships with full support for Unicode and international character sets. Fully-supported versions of the software are available in Japanese, French, German, Spanish and Dutch.
- Pluggable architecture
Even non-technical users can extend Movable Type's through the its large collection of plugins. Programmable extension through other technologies is also enabled.
- Plugins directory
The Movable Type plugins directory offers hundreds of free or low-cost plugins from developers around the world.
- ProNet Community
The Six Apart Professional Network is a community of thousands of developers, designers, consultants and experts around the world who back up the Movable Type platform with years of experience.
- LDAP User Management
Administrators can manage user accounts solely in LDAP without the need to additionally create and manage those accounts in Movable Type. User permissions on the various weblogs will continue to be managed within Movable Type.
- LDAP Group Management
Administrators can manage user groups in LDAP without the need to additionally create and manage groups in Movable Type. New users will automatically inherit the privileges granted to their group(s) making group blog user management effortless. Group permissions on the various weblogs will continue to be managed within Movable Type.
- User Roles
Predefined roles can be created from collections of permissions. The availability of pre-defined roles will allow Administrators to grant and revoke sets of permissions without the need to check multiple boxes for each user/blog combination. The predefined roles are customizable giving Administrators freedom to create their own roles from the available list of permissions.
- Blog Cloning
Administrators have ability to clone existing blogs or selected sections of existing blogs, making it easy for Administrators to ensure consistency of design and/or configurations across a number of blogs.
- Automated Blog Provisioning
A new default setting allows Administrators to specify the creation of a personal blog for every newly created user. Together with the Blog Cloning feature, this new setting makes it easy to assign a templated personal blog to each Movable Type user.
- Crossblog Aggregation
A separate blog can be set to aggregate the entries from all or a selected number of blogs within a MT Enterprise installation. The aggregation applies not only to entries but also to comments, trackbacks and categories.
- Support for Enterprise Databases
MT Enterprise supports enterprise grade databases, including Oracle 10g and SQL server.