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Enterprise-class Portal Open Source Project
OpenPortal project is derived from the Sun Java System Portal Server 7 product.
- https://portal.dev.java.net/
- http://developers.sun.com/portalserver/
- Sun Java System Portal Server - http://www.sun.com/software/products/portal_srvr/
- http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/coll/1303.1
目录[隐藏] |
Portal Server 7.1
Portal Server 7.1 没有单独分发,而是包含在 Java Enterprise System 5里. Independent release (outside of Java Enterprise Systems release schedule) of Portal Server 7.
- Sun Java(TM) System Message Queue 3.7 UR1
- Sun Java(TM) System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0
- Sun Java(TM) System Directory Proxy Server Enterprise Edition 6.0
- Sun Java(TM) Enterprise System Web Server 7.0
- Sun Java(TM) System High Availability Session Store 4.4
- Sun Java(TM) System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2
- Sun Java(TM) Enterprise System Access Manager 7.1
- Sun Java(TM) System Web Proxy Server 4.0.4
- Service Registry 3.1
- Java(TM) DB 10.1
- Sun Java(TM) System Monitoring Console 1.0
- Sun Java(TM) Enterprise System Portal Server 7.1
SJES 5 只提供了基于 RPM 的 java_es-5-ga-linux-x86.zip 分发包,没有直接提供类似 bin 的安装模式,因此 Debian 的用户不能直接安装。
[root@centos Linux_x86]# ./installer
None of the following are executable /usr/openwin/bin/xdpyinfo /usr/X11R6/bin/xdpyinfo Unable to access a usable display on the remote system. Continue in command-line mode?(y/n)
建议: 采用自定义安装,选择安装完后手动配置,因为自动配置可能会阻塞在那里而无法完成系统安装。
- Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installer Tutorial for UNIX
- Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation FAQs for UNIX
Portal Server 7
获得 Portal Server 7 http://download.huihoo.com/application/cms-portal/openportal/
xhost + localhost export DISPLAY=localhost:0 ./installer
- Portlet container that complies with the JSR 168 standard and, in the future, will comply with the JSR 286 standard
- Producer and consumer Web services implementations based on the OASIS Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) 1.0 standard and, in the future, based on the WSRP 2.0 standard
- Portal aggregation and administration framework
- Communities and collaboration framework and services
- Multidevice mobile access to all portal content and applications
- JavaServer Faces technology-based portlet bridge, an integration library to enable JavaServer Faces applications to run within a portlet environment
- Portlets for integrating enterprise applications, Web 2.0, collaboration, and other arenas
- Leverage of full-text search engine with federated search and taxonomy capabilities
- Leverage of Secure remote access for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and virtual private network (VPN) capabilities
- Portal Pack for NetBeans - http://portalpack.netbeans.org/