Apache ServiceMix

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ServiceMix是一个开源的 ESBSOA 工具集, 支持 SUN JSP 208规范: Java Business Integration(JBI), 采用 Apache 许可协议.


ServiceMix 已完整集成进 Apache Geronimo 里。

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Apache ActiveMQ

ServiceMix uses ActiveMQ to provide remoting, clustering, reliability and distributed failover.

Apache Camel

The servicemix-camel component provides support for using Apache Camel to provide a full set of Enterprise Integration Patterns and flexible routing and transformation in both Java code or Spring XML to route services on the Normalized Message Router.

Apache CXF

ServiceMix CXF SE component is a JBI Service Engine exposing (annotated) POJO as services on the JBI Bus. It uses Apache CXF internally to perform service invocations and xml marshaling.

Hyperic HQ

Use Hyperic HQ to monitor ServiceMix


BPM 引擎由 Activiti 提供。

ServiceMix 7

ServiceMix 6

ServiceMix 5

ServiceMix 4

ServiceMix 4 Runtime 基于 OSGi 构建, 将使用 Apache Felix can download OSGi bundles dynamically from Maven repos,OSGi的核心是 Apache Karaf

More detail: http://servicemix.apache.org/SMX4/

karaf@root> admin:create huihoo // 创建一个实例
karaf@root> admin:start huihoo //启动实例
karaf@root> admin:connect huihoo //连接实例
karaf@root> ls
karaf@root> help
karaf@root> osgi:list
karaf@root> osgi:list | grep camel
karaf@root> features:list | grep camel
karaf@root> features:install camel-xmpp
karaf@root> log:display
karaf@root> log:display-exception
karaf@root> log:set DEBUG
karaf@root> log:display | grep DEBUG
karaf@root> shell:logout // 退出
karaf@root> features:install wrapper
karaf@root> wrapper:install --help
karaf@root> wrapper:install -s AUTO_START -n KARAF -d Karaf -D "Karaf Service"
apache-servicemix-4.4.1/bin/KARAF-service start
apache-servicemix-4.4.1/bin/KARAF-service stop

Web Console

karaf@root> features:install webconsole
http://localhost:8181/system/console // user:password smx:smx, in etc/system.properties 

ActiveMQ Web Console

karaf@root> features:install activemq-web-console
karaf@root> web:list

Install Web App

karaf@root> install war:mvn:org.apache.wicket/wicket-examples/1.4.7/war?Web-ContextPath=wicket
karaf@root> osgi:start 218 

Console Commands:

activemq:browse            activemq:bstat             activemq:create-broker
activemq:destroy-broker    activemq:list              activemq:purge
activemq:query             admin:change-port          admin:connect
admin:create               admin:destroy              admin:list
admin:start                admin:stop                 config:cancel
config:edit                config:list                config:propappend
config:propdel             config:proplist            config:propset
config:update              dev:dynamic-import         dev:framework
dev:show-tree              features:addUrl            features:install
features:list              features:listUrl           features:refreshUrl
features:removeUrl         features:uninstall         jbi:list
jbi:shutdown               jbi:start                  jbi:stop
log:display                log:display-exception      log:get
log:set                    nmr:list                   obr:addUrl
obr:deploy                 obr:info                   obr:list
obr:listUrl                obr:refreshUrl             obr:removeUrl
obr:source                 obr:start                  osgi:bundle-level
osgi:headers               osgi:install               osgi:list
osgi:ls                    osgi:refresh               osgi:resolve
osgi:restart               osgi:shutdown              osgi:start
osgi:start-level           osgi:stop                  osgi:uninstall
osgi:update                packages:exports           packages:imports
shell:cat                  shell:clear                shell:each
shell:echo                 shell:exec                 shell:grep
shell:if                   shell:info                 shell:java
shell:printf               shell:sleep                shell:sort
shell:tac                  ssh:ssh                    ssh:sshd

ServiceMix 3

ServiceMix 2

Components list

ServiceMix currently has the following JBI components:

  • servicemix-bean
  • servicemix-camel
  • servicemix-cxf-bc
  • servicemix-cxf-se
  • servicemix-drools
  • servicemix-eip
  • servicemix-file
  • servicemix-ftp
  • servicemix-http
  • servicemix-jms
  • servicemix-jsr181
  • servicemix-lwcontainer
  • servicemix-mail
  • servicemix-osworkflow
  • servicemix-quartz
  • servicemix-saxon
  • servicemix-script
  • servicemix-scripting
  • servicemix-smpp
  • servicemix-snmp
  • servicemix-validation
  • servicemix-vfs
  • servicemix-wsn2005
  • servicemix-xmpp


获得 http://download.huihoo.com/apache/servicemix/
如: tar zxvf servicemix-2.0.2.tar.gz 

cd servicemix-2.0./bin

启动 servicemix

huihoo@debian:~/java/soa/servicemix-2.0.2/bin$ ./servicemix

ServiceMix ESB: 2.0.2
Loading ServiceMix from servicemix.xml on the CLASSPATH
04:04:29,647 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Opening journal.
04:04:29,727 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Opened journal: Active Journal: using 2 x 20.0 Megs at: ../var/ journal
04:04:29,727 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Journal Recovery Started.
04:04:29,803 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Journal Recovered: 0 message(s) in transactions recovered. 


huihoo@debian:~/java/soa/servicemix-2.0.2/examples/basic$ /home/huihoo/java/soa/servicemix-2.0.2/bin/servicemix servicemix.xml

ServiceMix ESB: 2.0.2

Loading ServiceMix from file: servicemix.xml
13:24:50,580 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Opening journal.
13:24:50,897 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Opened journal: Active Journal: using 2 x 20.0 Megs at: ../var/journal
13:24:50,897 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Journal Recovery Started.
13:24:50,984 INFO [JournalPersistenceAdapter] Journal Recovered: 0 message(s) in transactions recovered.
13:24:51,228 INFO [JCAContainer] Jencks JCA Container (http://jencks.org/) has started running version: 1.1.1
13:24:51,993 INFO [JCAConnector] Activating endpoint for activationSpec: ActiveMQActivationSpec{acknowledgeMode='Auto-acknowledge',
 destinationType='javax.jms.Topic', messageSelector='null', destination='demo.org.servicemix.source', clientId='null',  
subscriptionName='null', subscriptionDurability='NonDurable'} using endpointFactory: 

org.jencks.SingletonEndpointFactory@6798eb[transactionManager= org.apache.geronimo.transaction.context.GeronimoTransactionManager@168989e]

13:24:52,195 INFO [JCAConnector] Activating endpoint for activationSpec: ActiveMQActivationSpec{acknowledgeMode='Auto-acknowledge', 
destinationType='javax.jms.Topic', messageSelector='null', destination='demo.org.servicemix.result', clientId='null',   
subscriptionName='null', subscriptionDurability='NonDurable'} using endpointFactory: 

org.jencks.SingletonEndpointFactory@76f2e8[transactionManager= org.apache.geronimo.transaction.context.GeronimoTransactionManager@168989e] 13:24:52,606 DEBUG [XAEndpoint] Transaction started and resource enlisted 13:24:52,697 DEBUG [XAEndpoint] Transaction committed ....... 测试报告

huihoo@debian:~/java/soa/servicemix-2.0.2/examples/basic/target/test-reports$ ls
more activemq-test.log
2006-04-22 13:24:52,606 [Thread-14 ] DEBUG XAEndpoint - Transaction started and resource enlisted
2006-04-22 13:24:52,697 [Thread-14 ] DEBUG XAEndpoint - Transaction committed
2006-04-22 13:24:52,791 [Thread-19 ] DEBUG XAEndpoint - Transaction started and resource enlisted
2006-04-22 13:24:52,847 [Thread-19 ] DEBUG XAEndpoint - Transaction committed



