欢迎大家赞助一杯啤酒🍺 我们准备了下酒菜:Formal mathematics/Isabelle/ML, Formal verification/Coq/ACL2/Agda, C++/Lisp/Haskell
Skynet is an open source Ruby implementation of Google’s Map/Reduce framework, created at Geni.com. With Skynet, one can easily convert a time-consuming serial task, such as a computationally expensive Rails migration, into a distributed program running on many computers.
Skynet is an adaptive, self-upgrading, fault-tolerant, and fully distributed system with no single point of failure. It uses a “peer recovery” system where workers watch out for each other. If a worker dies or fails for any reason, another worker will notice and pick up that task. Skynet also has no special ‘master’ servers, only workers which can act as a master for any task at any time. Even these master tasks can fail and will be picked up by other workers.
- http://skynet.rubyforge.org/
- Skynet,全新的Ruby MapReduce实现 - http://www.infoq.com/cn/news/2008/02/ruby-mapreduce-skynet