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第1行: 第1行:
Smalltalk 发行于 1972年(50岁),开发始于 1969 年,[ The Story of Smalltalk]
*Smalltalk is a vision
*Smalltalk has few concepts
*Smalltalk is an environment
*Smalltalk is a big system
*Smalltalk as an [[operating system]]
Smalltalk 不仅仅是一门语言。Smalltalk-80 最初是作为一个完整的操作系统交付的,旨在运行在一台裸机上。Smalltalk-80 包含 virtual machine 规范。
I like it... It’s nice and clean and simple and pretty. Nice stuff!
— Alan Kay
Smalltalk 是 70 年代初期美国 XEROX 公司开发的,它不仅是一门编程语言,一个窗口系统,也是一个完整的编程环境,一个集编程、调试、运行和输出为一体的统一环境。
Smalltalk 创立了面向对象的思想并一直沿用至今。
Smalltalk is the consummate teaching language, Smalltalk is OOP done right.
The best way to predict the future is to invent it!  -Alan Kay
The best way to predict the future is to invent it!  -Alan Kay
第6行: 第33行:
[ Make Smalltalk Great Again]
Dynamically Typed + Live Environment
[ Basic Aspects of Squeak and the Smalltalk-80 Programming Language]
DynamicType (SelfType, ClassType, InstanceType)
[ Live Typing] Automatic Type Annotation for Dynamically Typed Languages]
Smalltalk 杀手级功能:
*先进的调试技术,如即时修改代码(on-the-fly code changes)
*简单、不混乱(uncluttered)的 IDE 界面
*特定领域语言([[DSL]])是 Smalltalk 唯一的工作方式,程序员必须使用对该领域自然的语言和符号来关注问题领域。
[[Lisp]], [ Smalltalk, and the Power of Symmetry]
与 [[C++]]、[[Java]] 等语言的对比
[ Smalltalk: A White Paper Overview]
{| class="wikitable"
! Smalltalk
! Java/C++ 术语
| instance variable
| data member
| instance method
| member function
| class variable
| static data member
| class method
| static member function
*[ Smalltalk: A White Paper Overview]
*[ Smalltalk: A White Paper Overview]
*[ Basic Aspects of Squeak and the Smalltalk-80 Programming Language]
*[ Basic Aspects of Squeak and the Smalltalk-80 Programming Language]
*[[GNU Emacs]] M-x package-install RET smalltalk-mode RET
*[ OpenSmalltalk] The cross-platform virtual machine for Squeak, Pharo, Cuis, and Newspeak.
*[ Cog VM] for [[Squeak]], [[Pharo]], [ Cuis], and [ Newspeak].Cog is the fastest virtual machine for Squeak and Pharo.
*[ Squeak Virtual Machine]
*[ Pharo VM]
*[ RoarVM] - The Manycore [[Squeak]]VM
*[ RSqueak] A [[Squeak]] VM written in RPython.[ RSqueak-App]
*[ Smalltalk-80]
*[ Smalltalk-78]
*[ Smalltalk-72]
[ Design Principles Behind Smalltalk]
[ Smalltalk Choices]
[ SmaCC (Smalltalk Compiler-Compiler)] [ SmaCC @ GitHub]
Smalltalk 方言和开源实现
*[[GNU Smalltalk]]
*[[GNU Smalltalk]]
*[[Pharo]]: 专注于现代软件工程和程序开发技术
*[[Pharo]]: 专注于现代软件工程和程序开发技术
*[[Squeak]]: 定位于教学
*[[Squeak]]: 定位于教学
*[ Dolphin Smalltalk]
*[ Dolphin Smalltalk]
*[ Cuis Smalltalk] [ Dr. Geo update, Cuis port] [ The Cuis-Smalltalk Book]
*[ HaverOnCuis] A Cuis based Smalltalk With Modules
第22行: 第118行:
*[ Cincom Smalltalk]
*[ Cincom Smalltalk]
*[ VA Smalltalk]
*[ VA Smalltalk]
*[ GemStone]
*[ GemStone] [ GemStone/S 64 Update]
*[ Cog VM] for [[Squeak]], [[Pharo]], [ Cuis], and [ Newspeak].Cog is the fastest virtual machine for Squeak and Pharo.
*[ Metacello]
*[ RSqueak] A [[Squeak]] VM written in RPython.[ RSqueak-App]
*[ Zinc HTTP Components]
*[ Amber] A Web developer's best friend.
*[ Seaside web framework]
*[ Roassal Visualization Engine]
*[ MOOSE] Platform for software and data analysis. [ Agile Visualization]
第32行: 第134行:
*[ Objective-Smalltalk] is a programming language derived from [[Objective-C]].
*[ Objective-Smalltalk] is a programming language derived from [[Objective-C]].
Smalltalk虚拟机大多由[[c programming language|C]]/[[C++]]开发。
第81行: 第184行:
*[ The making of Virtual Domino Topplings. VRML: Virtual Reality Meta Language]
*[ The making of Virtual Domino Topplings. VRML: Virtual Reality Meta Language]
*[ Numerical Methods]
*[ Numerical Methods]
*[ 《Smalltalk-80: The Language and its Implementation》Adele Goldberg and DavidRobson]
*[ Dynamic Web Development with Seaside]
*《The Art and Science of Smalltalk》 Simon Lewis Hewlett-Packard
第89行: 第197行:
*[ Cincom Smalltalk成功客户]
*[ Cincom Smalltalk成功客户]
*[ xM @ SAP]
*[ xM @ SAP]
*[ Learn How To Program] Learning to program the Smalltalk way
*[ How learning Smalltalk can make you a better developer]
image:Gtoolkit-importing-cpp-blueprint-ast.png|Glamorous Toolkit软件分析
*[ Smalltalk官网]
*[ Smalltalk官网]
*[ Squeak下载和存档]
*[ SmalltalkHub]
*[ SmalltalkHub]
*[ Smalltalk文档]
*[ Smalltalk文档]
第113行: 第228行:
[[category:programming language]]
[[category:programming language]]
[[category:Huihoo Foundation]]

2022年9月4日 (日) 09:46的最后版本

Wikipedia-35x35.png 您可以在Wikipedia上了解到此条目的英文信息 Smalltalk Thanks, Wikipedia.



[编辑] 简介


Smalltalk 发行于 1972年(50岁),开发始于 1969 年,The Story of Smalltalk

  • Smalltalk is a vision
  • Smalltalk has few concepts
  • Smalltalk is an environment
  • Smalltalk is a big system
  • Smalltalk as an operating system

Smalltalk 不仅仅是一门语言。Smalltalk-80 最初是作为一个完整的操作系统交付的,旨在运行在一台裸机上。Smalltalk-80 包含 virtual machine 规范。

I like it... It’s nice and clean and simple and pretty. Nice stuff!

— Alan Kay

Smalltalk 是 70 年代初期美国 XEROX 公司开发的,它不仅是一门编程语言,一个窗口系统,也是一个完整的编程环境,一个集编程、调试、运行和输出为一体的统一环境。

Smalltalk 创立了面向对象的思想并一直沿用至今。

Smalltalk is the consummate teaching language, Smalltalk is OOP done right.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it! -Alan Kay



Make Smalltalk Great Again

[编辑] 功能

Dynamically Typed + Live Environment

Basic Aspects of Squeak and the Smalltalk-80 Programming Language

DynamicType (SelfType, ClassType, InstanceType)

Live Typing Automatic Type Annotation for Dynamically Typed Languages]

Smalltalk 杀手级功能:

  • 编程语言虚拟机机制
  • 基于镜像(Image-based)的持久性
  • 对象,一切都是对象,对象之间只通过消息进行交流(最纯粹的OO,也是最早的一个)
  • Live(实时)编程
  • 先进的调试技术,如即时修改代码(on-the-fly code changes)
  • 简单、不混乱(uncluttered)的 IDE 界面
  • 特定领域语言(DSL)是 Smalltalk 唯一的工作方式,程序员必须使用对该领域自然的语言和符号来关注问题领域。

Lisp, Smalltalk, and the Power of Symmetry

[编辑] 对比

C++Java 等语言的对比

Smalltalk: A White Paper Overview

Smalltalk Java/C++ 术语
instance variable data member
instance method member function
class variable static data member
class method static member function

[编辑] 指南

[编辑] 虚拟机

[编辑] 实现



Design Principles Behind Smalltalk

Smalltalk Choices

SmaCC (Smalltalk Compiler-Compiler) SmaCC @ GitHub

Smalltalk 方言和开源实现

[编辑] 商业版


[编辑] 包管理

[编辑] 项目

[编辑] Objective-C

[编辑] C/C++


[编辑] Java

[编辑] Ruby

[编辑] Erlang

[编辑] 函数式

[编辑] Cloud

[编辑] 文档

[编辑] 图书

[编辑] 开发者

[编辑] 用户


[编辑] 教育

[编辑] 图集

[编辑] 链接

