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您可以在Wikipedia上了解到此条目的英文信息 Lisp Thanks, Wikipedia. |
目录[隐藏] |
LISP即LISt Processor,也就是链表处理器,由约翰·麦卡锡在1960年左右创造的一种基于λ演算的函数式编程语言。
Lisp 是一门可编程的编程语言 (Lisp is a programmable programming language)
In Lisp, code is data.
- 我的 Lisp 经历和 GNU Emacs 的开发
- How Lisp Became God's Own Programming Language Lisp 如何成为上帝赐予的编程语言
- Python VS Common Lisp, workflow and ecosystem
Lisp, Smalltalk, and the Power of Symmetry
- Planet Lisp
- Planet Scheme
- Racket Stories
- Planet Clojure
- PLT Scheme is now Racket
- 2018,Lisp迎来60周年庆。
- Other programming languages implemented in Common Lisp
- Common Lisp是LISP的最大集
- Scheme是LISP的最小集
- Emacs Lisp
- Clojure
- EuLisp
- Parallel Lisps
- s-exp syntax 帮助你在 Lisp 中编写其他语言 DSL
- Haskell Lisp and Lisp Projects for Haskell
- C-Mera Next-level syntax for C-like languages :)
- SxQL An SQL generator for Common Lisp.
- Simple Lisp VM(C++ 14) C++ 简易LISP解释器 + 通用LR语法分析
- CLiki is a Common Lisp
- mal Make a Lisp
- Racket
- Mezzano
- Lispbox
- CommonQt
- Postmodern
- Maxima
- joxa A Modern Lisp for the Erlang VM
- Ferret for real time embedded control systems
- Micro Lisp implement a small Lisp/Scheme language in as little C code as possible (200 lines of C)
- Roslisp Lisp client library for ROS
- Lisp Games
- uLisp Lisp for microcontrollers
- Language Server (LSP) for Clojure Language Server Protocol
- racket-langserver
- MiniLisp A readable lisp in less than 1k lines of C
- Quicklisp is a library manager for Common Lisp.
- Qlot A project-local library installer for Common Lisp
- Ultralisp The software behind a Ultralisp.org Common Lisp repository
- Planet Lisp
- Lisp programming language family
- Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
- LISP 语言是怎么来的–LISP 和 AI 的青梅竹马 A
- LISP 语言是怎么来的–LISP 和 AI 的青梅竹马 B
- Lisp Flavored Erlang
- 田春:走在Lisp的岔路上(图灵访谈)
- Lisp 宣言
- Lisp for Paradigms of AI Programming
- Overview of AIMA Lisp Code
- Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp
- 用lisp开发博客客户端
- 探索JVM上的Lisp