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Formal verification
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Formal verification
目录[隐藏] |
“在科学的问题上,一千人的权威比不上一个人谦卑的推理。” ——伽利略
Formal verification, Proof assistant, Theorem Prover, Software verification, Hardware verification ...
形式验证可以分为三大类:抽象解释(Abstract Interpretation)、形式模型检查(Formal Model Checking,也被称作特性检查)和定理证明(Theory Prover)。
自动化定理证明(Automated theorem proving,ATP)目前是自动推理(Automated reasoning,AR)体系中发展最好的部分,它的目的是为使用电子计算机程序来进行数学定理的证明。对于不同的公理系统,它能够推论出一个定理在此系统下是正确的,还是不可证明的,或者错误的。
这里指包含 Proof assistant 证明助理(证明助手) 在内的所有形式化相关主题,包含计算机辅助定理证明、Coq 证明助理、函数式编程、操作语义、用于论证软件的逻辑和技术、静态类型系统、基于性质的随机测试、以及对实践中编程代码的验证等。
1977年,吴文俊提出的定理机器证明新方法正式发表。使用这新方法(简称吴法),可以在微机上迅速地证明很不简单的几何定理,如西姆松定理、费尔哈定理、莫勒定理等等;还能发现新的不平凡的的几何定理。1989年,访美学者周咸青基于吴法编制的 Lisp 程序(所谓”证明器“)在计算机上证明了512条定理。这些定理大多是不平凡的,其中还有新定理。证明每条定理所用的机器时间一般才几秒钟。p.27-28
《王者之路 机器证明及其应用》吴文俊等
V & V
- Verification 验证表明的是满足规定要求。
- Validation 确认就是检查最终产品是否达到顾客使用要求。
Metamath 是用来发展严格形式化数学定义及证明的一款语言,亦指用来验证该语言的证明验证器,以及存有逻辑、集合论、数论、群论、代数、数学分析、拓扑学、希尔伯特空间及量子逻辑等领域中数万条已证明定理且仍不断在增加中的数据库。灰狐镜像
数理逻辑(Mathematical logic)是数学的一个分支,其研究对象是对证明和计算这两个直观概念进行符号化以后的形式系统。数理逻辑是数学基础的一个不可缺少的组成部分。
- Formal system 形式系统 Formal language 形式语言 Formal grammar 形式文法
- satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) 可满足性模理论 SMT-COMP SMT @ Microsoft SMT-based Verification of Heap-manipulating Programs New update
- Automated theorem proving (ATP) 自动化定理证明
- First-order logic 一阶逻辑
- Theory of pure equality 纯粹的平等理论
- 形式逻辑系统
在数学、逻辑和计算机科学中,形式语言(Formal language)是用精确的数学或机器可处理的公式定义的语言。
形式验证(Formal verification)可以分为三大类:抽象解释(Abstract Interpretation)、形式模型检查(Formal Model Checking,也称作特性检查)和定理证明(Theory Prover)。
DeepSpec The Science of Deep Specification
- 逻辑学中的基本工具,用于准确地提出并论证关于程序的假设,逻辑学被称之为计算机科学的微积分;
- 证明助理用于构造严谨的逻辑论据,分为两类:自动定理证明器和证明助理(如:Coq、Isabelle、Agda);
- 函数式编程思想,同时作为一种编程方法来简化程序的论证,以及架起程序和逻辑学之间的桥梁。
- 在数学、逻辑和计算机科学中,形式语言(Formal language)是用精确的数学或机器可处理的公式定义的语言。
- F* Dafny
- Haskell Agda Idris 具有“证明即程序、命题为类型”的特征。hs-to-coq import Haskell to Coq, jukebox A theorem prover
- OCaml Coq coq-of-ocaml 可做两件事:1、do formal proofs on OCaml programs; 2、port OCaml projects to Coq.
- ML isabelle CakeML A Verified Implementation of ML
- Lisp ACL2 PVS Theorem Provers in Common Lisp
- Racket cur
- Common Lisp PRL Project Proofs as Programs
- Lean Prover
- SMT-LIB Language 包含三大组件:theory declarations, logic declarations, and scripts
- Hardware description language for Formal verification
- Awesome Formal Verification
- Provably Awesome
- Proof Assistant Open Source Projects on Github
- proof assistant @ higithub
- DeepSpec The Science of Deep Specification
- Formalizing 100 Theorems
- Coq
- Agda
- Lean
- Idris
- ACL2
- Groupoid Infinity Institute is doing formalization of mathematics Made by Erlang
- Z3 Theorem Prover Programming Z3
- F* A Proof-oriented Programming Language
- CVC4
- SRI International's Computer Science Laboratory Yices SMT Solver Prototype Verification System (PVS) PVS NASALib written in Common Lisp
- hs-to-coq
- Formal Verification of Ethereum Contracts Ethereum
- HOL Interactive Theorem Prover
- HACL* a formally verified cryptographic library(形式化验证密码学库)written in F*
- Dafny is a verification-aware programming language 使用 C# 编写,采用 MIT 许可证。
- Programming with Refinement Types An Introduction to LiquidHaskell
- isabelle is a generic proof assistant Isabelle 形式化证明存档(Archive of Formal Proofs)
- The Little Prover
- Proof General Organize your proofs!
- The red* family of proof assistants
- The Principia Rewrite 《数学原理》重写工程——该项目致力于将罗素与怀特海的《数学原理》使用 Coq 语言完全重写,补全原书的逻辑漏洞,将其中的证明进行 100% 的机器形式化验证。同时,项目还会将 Coq 的证明进行排版,生成和原书风格一致、可检索、排版精致的文本供人类阅读。@Libre盖子
- Why3 是一个用于演绎程序验证(deductive program verification)的平台
- EasyCrypt Computer-Aided Cryptographic Proofs
- Frama-C using Why3
- Matita interactive theorem prover
- PRL Project Proofs as Programs
- SMT-LIB standrad Language, Theories, Logics SMT solvers such as Yices 2, Z3
- The TPTP Problem Library for Automated Theorem Proving
- Lean theorem prover Lean community Lean and its Mathematical Library
- The Kore Language K 框架符号执行引擎,Haskell 编写。
- Cardano formal verification
- HOL Light theorem prover OCaml 编写
- Vellvm Verifying the LLVM
- Kami — A Coq-based DSL for specifying and proving hardware designs
- RiscvSpecFormal Formal Specification of RISC-V ISA in Kami, written in Haskell.
- KeY Project
- TPTP (Thousands of Problems for Theorem Provers)
- GNU C-Graph Convolution Theorem Visualization(卷积定理的可视化)
- Fourth Summer School on Formal Techniques
- Iris Project Lecture Notes Iris: Higher-Order Concurrent Separation Logic
- Yale FLINT group
- Formal Verification and Security Lab
- Programming, Logic, and Semantics Group Automated Reasoning Group
- Formal Systems Laboratory (FSL)
- Toccata Formally Verified Programs, Certified Tools and Numerical Computation
- MIT Programming Languages & Verification Group
- NASA Langley Formal Methods Research Program
- Research in Software Engineering (RiSE)
- A Hybrid Formal Verification System in Coq for Ensuring the Reliability and Security of Ethereum-based Service Smart Contracts
- Isar — A language for structured proofs
- End-to-End Formal Verification of Ethereum 2.0 Deposit Smart Contract
- An Open Framework for Certified System Software Author
- Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP) Course
- Static Analysis: an Abstract Interpretation Perspective
- Modular Program Verification
- Speaking Logic
- Programming for Everyone: From Solvers to Solver-Aided Languages and Beyond
- CryptoVerif: Mechanizing Game-Based Proofs
- Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP) Course
- 《Implementing Mathematics with The Nuprl Proof Development System》
- 《Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics》 Gary Chartrand, Albert D. Polimeni, Ping Zhang
- 《Software Foundations》 软件基础系列是对可靠软件的数学基础的广泛介绍。该系列的主要创新之处在于,每一个细节都是百分之百的形式化和机器检查:每一卷的整个文本,包括练习,实际上是Coq证明助手的 "证明脚本"。
- 《软件基础》系列广泛地介绍了可靠软件的数学基础,这是《Software Foundations》中文版。
- 《Program Logics for Certified Compilers》
- 《芯片验证漫游指南:从系统理论到UVM的验证全视界》刘斌
- 《方程求解与机器证明 基于MMP的问题求解》 科学出版社 2008 高小山、王定康、裘宗燕、杨宏著
- 《数学机械化》 科学出版社 2006 吴文俊 著
- 《王者之路 机器证明及其应用》 吴文俊、张景中等
- Runtime Verification Inc We love formal methods
- Bluespec Open Source RISC-V Cores and Tools
- Formal Land 对日常生活中的程序(everyday-life programs)进行形式化验证
- BedRock Systems Unbreakable Foundation for Formally Secured Computing, NOVA is the foundation for the BedRock HyperVisor(BHV), which combines a formally verified secure trusted computing base with VM introspection and policy enforcement.
- SiFive rapid development of custom hardware solutions, based on RISC-V, Securing The RISC‑V Revolution.
- Scalable SoC Verification 可扩展的 SoC 验证,提前启动软件系统验证
- Cadence Verification
- International Satisfiability Modulo Theories Competition (SMT-COMP) 国际可满足性模理论竞赛